Chapter eighteen

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Hello readers! Here is the next chapter I hope you enjoy and please comment on it xxxxx

Third p.o.v

It was New Year's eve in New York. The streets were busy as the clock hit nine. The Avengers where all in the top floor of the tower to celebrate. Well, all but Captain and Mrs. Rogers. Steve had gone to the airport to pick up Melody as she returned from Moscow with they hoped Jennifer. Mason had been let out of the hospital ward the previous day and sat with the team. He knew that they were his friends. He now remembered who Tony and Bruce were to him. As they sat they chatted about Christmas and what they hoped for the New Year, the lift pinged to reveal the Rogers inside. Mason got up and greeted his parents as they came into the room. Bruce stood up but didn't move as he watch the family interact. The room was silent as this happened. Feeling the silence Melody turned to her son.

"Mason, can you get my case. I left it on the ground floor." She had done that on purpose so she could speak to the others without him there. He obeyed and got in the lift. Once the doors shut Bruce asked the question that had been aching him.

"Well? Was she there?" He asked. She nodded, something was off.

"Is she downstairs?" Clint asked. She slowly shook her head.

"She stayed there didn't she?" Tony questioned. She meekly nodded. Bruce kicked the couch in frustration before quickly taking deep breaths so the other guy didn't come out.

"She had to finish him. She said she would be failing Mason if she didn't." She spoke quietly. Bucky stared at her from the window.

"You're leaving something out." He spoke. She froze.

"Bucky, I don't think she is." Steve spoke up. Natasha stare her down.

" I think she is." Natasha piped up. Melody sighed knowing that she couldn't hide it.

"I'm so sorry Bruce." She began as he turned towards her. She took another deep breathe before speaking.

"Jennifer's condition has gotten worse. Most of her body is green in areas. She told me that she doesn't believe she would live long enough to return home." You could have heard a pin drop in the room as the news hit. The lift pinged again and Mason got out with the case.

"Thank you Mason." Melody thanked quietly, the was a long silence.

"Why don't we put the news on. No doubt they will have a countdown to midnight on." Tony announced to break the silence as he switched on the telly. As thought there was a countdown to midnight on the screen as a new reporter spoke of highlights from this year. As Tony got Melody and Steve the report changed.

"Incoming news. Whilst most countries have already brought in the New Year, in Russia's Capital Moscow as the clock struck midnight, a body was thrown from the high floor of one of the capital best hotels, which fell on the celebrating public." They all turned to the telly as Clint turned up the volume.

"We warn that the image in this report are upsetting as Jessica Logan reports." The screen opened with a photo of the body falling through the air.

"An hour ago as Moscow brought in the New Year. This was the scene as a body was thrown from the penthouse suite o the Lenin square hotel." The screen cut to a photo that made everyone gasp in shock. It was a photo taken on someone's phone of Joseph Carter, laying dead in the street with the caption 'I am clawson' carved onto his skin. They couldn't believe it. Jennifer had killed this man in such an extreme fashion. Bruce couldn't bear to stare at it as the other did.

"This picture taken by a passer by depicts that the body had I am Clawson written into the skin." The telly cut to some old footage from the She-hulk and Clawson fighting.

"For those who lived in New York in 2013 the name related to the large red monster that was fought by the Avenger the She-hulk. However Clawson had disappeared from the public eye over 10 years ago. Like the She-Hulk no body knows the true identity of the creature. Could this be the creature in human? Investigation in the event is to begin tomorrow to find out if this is true and if so then who was the killer behind this death. If it is true then this reporter is happy to say that I would shake the hand of whoever did this. Jessica Logan, CNN."
Mason stared at the screen as Bruce stormed off into the lift, Tony joined him before the doors pinged shut. The others sat in silence for a moment before starting up meaningless small talk.
Someone rang in Mason's head. Like something was shouting at him to notice something.
"Do I know that guy?" No one could look at him at first. No one knew what to say. There was just stillness.
"Yes." His Father finally spoke. Melody gave him a warning look.
"He is....was the cruelest man and the maddest. We have had more than one run in with him over the years." Mason paused before he asked.
"Is he the reason that I'm like this. The reason why I can't remember anything?" It was a long moment before Steve nodded.
"Yes." He barely whisper. Their was yet more stillness.
"Good. I'm glad he's dead. One less monster to worry about." Clint flinched slightly as he said this.
The rest of the night was surrounded by this uncertain sadness.

When Mason woke the following morning he felt a strange feeling in his head. A feeling as though some else was also in his mind. It as though they were trying to control but more that he could sense it. He didn't understand how or why he felt it. All he knew was that it felt familiar to him and somewhat claiming to him to know that he sensed it.

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