Chapter 32

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Days before the trial, Ye Hua tried his best to explain the bureaucracy of heaven as simple as possible to Bai Qian so that she wouldn't get overwhelmed. Let's just say that she should have paid more attention to him.

Bai Qian was having breakfast with Zhe Yan and her son when two guards entered the room to escort her to the trial.

Bai Qian thought that she would have more time. It had only been two days since her horrid vision.

Zhe Yan stood up, "You can't be serious, "

She shot him a look. Bai Qian had already agreed to stand trial, there's no backing away now.

"Where is Ye Hua?" She asked, "I refuse to go if he-"

The guard interrupted her, "His highness is waiting for you in court,"

Bai Qian swallowed and looked down on AhLi, "And what of my son?"

"The child can't join you in court," the guard on the left said, "His Highness had sent someone to look after him for the time being,"

Tian Shu stepped out behind them and bowed, "You can trust me, my lady,"

AhLi wrapped his hands around her knees as she stood up. Bai Qian looked down at her son's big watery eyes. The boy was refusing to let go of her dress. It hurt her so much to say this.

"Stay here," she told him, "Until your father comes to pick you up,"

"But mother," he tried to protest, "this isn't fair,"

That was the very thing she complained about. She didn't know how to consult her son without sounding like a hypocrite.

"My dear, life is never fair. " Bai Qian wiped away his tears, "Only justice would set things right, and it's by the time I face it,"

AhLi let her go. Besides her, Zhe Yan nodded. He didn't try to stop her. Bai Qian gave him one final bow, "Thank you for everything,"

She kissed her son's forehead one last time and left with the guards.

Bai Qian entered via the Southern Heavenly Gate. Two guards stood in front, they had broad bodies, fierce expressions and tusks protruding out of their mouths. They looked like twins, but one had red skin while the other was green.

If she remembers correctly, the green one was called 千里眼 Thousands Miles Eyes and the red one was named 顺风耳 Swift Wind Ears. And yes, their name fits their job description.

"You are about to enter the Halls of 灵霄宝殿 Líng Xiāo Palace," Ears told her.

"Where you'll be put on trial for your crimes in the mortal realms," Eyes eyed her.

Bai Qian muttered under her breath, "I see the tusks don't affect your ability to speak at all,"

Unfortunately, Ears heard her, "I would mind your manners while you're in there,"

"From what I have seen, your odds are unfavourable," Eyes reminded her again.

Maybe they should change their names to Sharp Piercing Tongue. Bai Qian bit her lips and marched on.

Throughout her thousands of years of life, Bai Qian had seen a lot of impressive buildings. Her aunt often talked about the grandeur of her husband's palace with his ornate gardens, and grand terraces. And then under her guidance, they became more majestic. Sure, the people were starving, but having a golden latrine was so much worth it.

None of it had prepared her for the grandeur of Celestial's main palace. The building was so tall, it penetrated all nine layers of the heavens. They were held together by gigantic red columns. All of them had sculptures of dragons twisting around them. The roofs were gilded gold with statues of various magical creatures perched on top. It must be her imagination, but their eyes seemed to be following her.

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