Chapter 9

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There was a knock at the door, Bai Qian quickly pulled away from Ye Hua. She promptly steeled herself, she was given order before she got distracted. Bai Qian returned to packing his things.

Ye Hua answered the door, he stepped back, "Is there anything wrong, Ah Ming?"

Ah Ming was one of the few servants who listened to Ye Hua. Maybe because Ah Ming helped raise Ye Hua into a man, or he followed Lady Zhao from her parents' home and was only loyal to her.

"The physician just came by. My lady, she...she..." He croaked out, "had...passed away, sir,"

Ye Hua's face turned as white as a ghost. He stumbled on his feet, Bai Qian quickly caught him. Ye Hua pulled himself up, "I have to see her,"

Ah Ming blocked his path, "You must not, sir,"

"Why not!" he yelled, "I'm her son! It's my right,"

"Da Gong Zhi sent me here to warn you," Ah Ming stated, "Without Lady Zhao's protection, your position here would be vulnerable. You need to leave before Minister Zhao makes a move,"

Ye Hua looked at her, "You knew... Is that why you're packing?"

"I'm sorry about your mother, Zhao Ge," she pleaded, "But we don't have much time,"

Ye Hua jerked his hand away, "What the worst he could do to me, he had already left me with nothing,"

Bai Qian shook her head, she didn't know. Honestly, sometimes humans could be more terrible than demons.

"Father must have at least the decency to let me see her before he kicks me out," He stated.

"You don't know that," she begged, but Ye Hua already had a determined expression on his face. Bai Qian knew him long enough that nothing could stop him. She let him go, "I'll stay here and pack," she announced, "I'll go when you're ready,"

Ye Hua kissed her forehead, "Thank you,"

He left with Ah Ming trailing behind him. Bai Qian returned to the packing as she fought back her tears. She didn't know why she was crying, she never really liked Lady Zhao that much anyway. Maybe seeing Ye Hua like this reminded her how much Bai Qian missed her aunt. How much she craved for motherly love and tender care.

Despite everything, Da Ji still raised her, took care of her. She had taken her sister's place as Bai Qian's mother. She may have her flaws, but her aunt did her best to protect her. Demons like people were just complicated.

Ye Hua had insisted on remaining here until the funeral was over. It may be for the best, that way he could let go more smoothly. Minister Zhao didn't do or say anything, he was saddened by the death of his wife. There were no loud arguments or fighting matches. Right now, the dead must be respected, everyone mourned in a sombre mood.

As per tradition, Ye Hua was dressed in his mourning clothes, a plain white robe covered in burlap, a white headdress on his head. For a second he looked so much like Mo Yuan, she thought he had come to haunt her.

In the background, the monks chanted mantras to bless the passing soul. Ye Hua sat by the pyre, burning the yellow papers for the dead. He was tasked to keep the fire going throughout the funeral. Bai Qian stood by his side, the soot stung her eyes.

"You don't have to be here, Qian Qian," Ye Hua said.

"I want to," she insisted, "Take a break, Zhao Ge. You had been at this for hours,"

Ye Hua blinked away the soot out of his eyes, "I didn't do much as a son when my mother was alive. All I did was lament and complain. I just want to make sure that she goes in peace, this is the only thing I can do for her now,"

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