Chapter 16

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When Ye Hua made it back to his chamber, he met someone he least expected to see. 

Well, maybe a bit. 

She's always around when he visits the celestial palace. Trailing him from place to place. She even tagged along with Le Xu, every time his mother visited him in Kunlun Mountain. 

And they said Ye Hua was Mo Yuan's shadow. 

His brother was always teasing Ye Hua about her. 

"It's cute, " Mo Yuan once told Ye Hua, "That's she likes you, " 

Ye Hua guessed that she was pretty as a young immortal. A sweet and kind woman. Then again, all the goddesses in the Nine Heavens are beautiful. She's just not his type. 

"She is The Heavenly Lord's goddaughter, " Ye Hua argued, "She's like my aunt, " 

"Ouch, " Mo Yuan sipped his tea, "You better not tell her that. It's always unwise to provoke a woman, " 

Ye Hua punched his shoulders, "Is that why you're still unmarried after all these years?" 

Mo Yuan's tea spilt on his robe. After that, he got his revenge by chasing Ye Hua all around the courtyard.

What would Ye Hua give to relive those days again?

Ye Hua knew that it was her the second he heard footsteps behind him.

"It's her, isn't it?" Ye Hua asked Tian Shu.

"Who's her, Your Highness?" He asked.

Ye Hua turned around to see a young lady greeting him. "Immortal Su Jin greets Crown Prince Ye Hua, " 

Ye Hua forced a smile, "Greetings. I'm not crown prince yet, " 

"Sure, you are. After how well you have done in the mortal realm," Su Jin tried to say.

"When I'm crowned, I'm the only crown prince," Ye Hua said.

"I see, " Su Jin said, "How about Prince Ye Hua then?" 

"I can live with that, " 

Su Jin's face got redder, she stumbled on her words, "How was your experience in the mortal realm… You were gone… for so long… I… kinda… miss you…" 

Well, that's straight forward.

Behind him, Tian Shu and Jian Yun looked at each other. They both stood awkwardly, seeing how Ye Hua crashed and burnt.

"Well, that's why I came back early, " Ye Hua said.

Her eyes sparkled, "For me?"

 "No, " 

Her face sunk, "I see, "

Mother had been telling Ye Hua to be kinder to Su Jin. That's easier said than done. He didn't want to give Su Jin any false hope. 

And then she changed the topic promptly, "It's really been a long time. Would you like to visit the lotus garden with me?" 

Ye Hua grimaced. He needed to find a way to get out of this, "I would love to, but I have a lot of paperwork to do today, " 

Jia Yun stepped up, "Actually, sire. Your paperwork has not come in yet. In fact, it won't come until…" 

Ye Hua glared at him. Does he still want his job? Jia Yun receded his statement, "They will come in soon, at noon, " 

Ye Hua nodded, "Yes, it's almost noon. I better go… New job and all, " 

There was a disappointed look on her face, "I see. I'll leave you to it. Goodbye, " 

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