Chapter 19

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Ye Hua was expecting to have a wave of spells wash over him. It wasn't the first time he was struck by fox magic. Its victims would be utterly defenceless against the caster. They would follow her every whim, every need. And it all began with a kiss.

Ye Hua had trained his whole life to ward off magic like this. However, this kiss wasn't a spell.

Instinctively, Ye Hua cupped her cheek and pulled her closer to him. She leaned into him and melted into his arms.

It may not be a spell, but it was magical. Ye Hua was happy in her embrace, and it felt good. It felt nice. Comforting and safe. And it was wrong.

He pushed her away.

"You kissed me," he stated.

"You kissed me back, " she replied.

Bai Qian took a step closer to him. Ye Hua backed away.

"Ye Hua..." she murmured.

He waved his hand and brushed her away, "Bai Qian, we can't do this, "

"Why not?" she retorted, pressing her hand close to her heart, "You promised. You said you'll find me and love me again. You made that vow, "

Ye Hua clenched his fist, "I'm not Zhao Ge. You can't hold me to that vow," he said. "

"Say who? "

"Say me," Ye Hua asserted, "I govern the laws of the universe, I ensure peace and order throughout the world. I can't be with you!"

"Why not," she cried, "I know you have feelings for me, "

"I don't, "

"Then why were you so nice to me all of a sudden?" She retorted, "The talking, the offer to regain my memories, the lift? Why?"

Ye Hua clenched his teeth, "It was a moment of weakness. It won't happen again, "

"Love is not a weakness, " she insisted.

"It is!" Ye Hua yelled back, "Love is what got us here! Zhao Ge loved you so much. He would rather die than leave you,"

Bai Qian's eyes widened, "What did you mean? Ye Hua, how did you return so quickly?"

"You presume that he'll live a long life without you?" Ye Hua asked.

She nodded, "That's what I hope for, "

Ye Hua said in a deadpan voice, "He jumped after you. Love had made him weak,"

Bai Qian sank to the ground, "I don't understand, "

Ye Hua tucked his hand into his sleeves, "Before I went down to the mortal realm, I had read my destiny to prepare myself better. Zhao Ge was supposed to save the valley from the flood. And after that, he would share his ideas with the rest of the world. He would become the emperor's right-hand man, a hero to the people, "

He knelt to meet her and tilted Bai Qian's chin, "You got in my way instead, "

"Zi Lan said you were needed back here, " Bai Qian said, "That's why your life was cut short, "

Ye Hua got up.

"His life was cut short because of you. The Nine Heavens couldn't risk having a nine-tailed fox in power again, " Ye Hua explained, "Zi Lan may have hidden your involvement. But there were more observers in the nine heavens. The Heavenly Lord didn't like what he saw, "

He just didn't announce it to save face. The Heavenly Lord didn't even have to reprimand him. Ye Hua could already see it with disappointment in his eyes. He could read him like a book.

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