Chapter 7

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Ever since that day, Bai Qian had been avoiding Ye Hua like the plague. How does one suppose to react when you kiss a guy who will kill you a lifetime later? Bai Qian was supposed to help Ye Hua, to support him, not this. Definitely not this.

In the morning, Bai Qian would leave the food at his door. She would knock and bolt before he could see her. Bai Qian would only clean his room when Ye Hua leaves. And fled before he got home with his dinner already prepared at the table.

Bai Qian didn't know how to meet him in the eye now. Nor did she want to. Dear heavens, she should have left when she had the chance.

Damn him and his handsome face!

She banged the table frantically, her forehead knocking against the hardwood. Zi Lan just sighed and took a sip out his wine.

"Why did he kiss me!" She whined.

"A pretty girl twirling around him every day, " he said, "I will be surprised if he didn't kiss you sooner, "

Bai Qian tossed a sunflower seed at him, "Not helping, "

Zi Lan stretched his arms, "So he likes you. Big deal. The more important question is, do you like him back?"

"I do not," Bai Qian quickly denied. Zi Lan looked at her with his eyebrow raised. A smirk appeared on his lips.

"I don't, " she insisted.

"If you say so, " he mused as if he didn't believe what she said.

"I'm not in love with him, " she asserted, "I hate him. I hate how he never cleans up after himself, how he comes home covered in dirt. I hate that he never liked it when I called him sir. I hate that he laughed at my jokes when they were clearly not funny. I hate that he snores at night and yet I could sleep without it. I hate how he made my heart race every time we're close. I hate that one day, this life will end and he would return to hating on me, "

Bai Qian took another shot of her wine, the realization finally dawned on her, "Oh dear, I'm in love with Ye Hua, "

Zi Lan refilled her cup, "Took you long enough,"

"What am I gonna do now?" She banged her head against the table.

Zi Lan shrugged his shoulders, " I don't see what's the problem. Both of you like each other, why not just do it?"

He dared to lecture her when he's the one who won't admit his feelings for Yan Zhi.

"Have you forgotten that I'm a demon and I played a part in the death of his brother?" She confessed.

"Yeah, but that's the previous life, " he said, "Now he doesn't even remember, "

"What happens if he does?" Bai Qian asked, "A mortal lifetime is short. Ye Hua would be furious when he returned to his immortality, "

"What's the difference? He's already furious at you, " Zi Lan said. Bai Qian gave him a deadpan face.

"Fine, " he put down his cup, "We immortals never really think much of our mortal lives. He would forget about this life eventually. If Ye Hua really want to blame, he could only blame it on the hands of fate, "

Bai Qian remembered how she ended up in that forest that day, she crushed the porcelain cup in her hands, "I'm gonna rip that lotus flower from under her feet, the next time I see her,"

With that threat hanging from her lips and a series of comments from Zi Lan telling her that's a horrible idea, Bai Qian went back to the manor. The next morning, she woke up with a severe headache and terrible hangover.

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