Chapter 4 - They are Endgame

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"I'm a talented man." He shrugged with a wink. "Phenomenal some might say."He smirked making me laugh, I shook my head and gave Sara another smile before making my way over to the table we had got and noticed Jon sitting next to Colby who was drunk. I loved drunk Colby he became even cuter if that was even possible. 

"There's our girl, right Jon?" He slurred elbowing Jon's arm. Jon ignored him looking over at me giving me a small smile with a nod.

"Thanks for coming." I return the smile as I take a seat next to Nikki, who glanced up from her phone briefly smiling at me before seeing Jon, her face falling and her eye widening. She clearly didn't see him come over to them. I tried to hide a laugh as she looked over at me silently asking if I was okay to which I nodded. 

"I hope you don't mind." Jon spoke bringing my attention. I knew he was talking about coming tonight so to him to answer him I just shook my head with a smile on my face. Of course I didn't mind. I was going to be working in the same company as him I needed to get used to it. Especially considering Joe and Colby were my friends, my mind went back to that New Years Day back in Virginia when we told Colby and Sara that even if they stopped sleeping together we were all friends and they would have to put on their adult pants and get used to it. I now found myself in that situation. It sucks.

"What changed your mind? You and Renee fighting again?" Colby asked putting his arm on the table but in his drunken state it slipped off and he managed to catch himself before he face planted the table. "Woahhh can't hurt the money maker." He laughed at himself circling his index finger around his face. I glanced at Jon who briefly made eye contact with me before looking away with a scowl on his face. I hated seeing Jon conflicted, always have. I was about to change the topic of conversation when Joel came over doing that for me. 

"Bella, you and me let's go.We have to crush those two." Joel grinned holding his hand out for Nikki and using his other hand to point his index finger between myself and AJ who had walked over the smirk still on his face looking at Joel like he was crazy as I got up from my spot allowing Nikki out of the seat as Joel pulled her towards the stage.

" Good luck with that. We're the champions here Joel." AJ yelled after the two. I slipped back into my seat only this time I was next to Brie, AJ slid in beside me. I glanced over at Jon, I could have swore I saw a flash of jealous in his eyes. The one similar to when Jon saw me talking to PJ for the first time a few years ago. But there was nothing going on with AJ and I, he was like a brother to me and not to mention he was happily married.  

"Why does Joel call her Bella and not me?" Brie pouted making Bryan laugh. "I'm a Bella."

"You're the best Bella" Bryan shouted slamming his hand on the table making everyone laugh. "We must correct him immediately." He demanded, Brie grinned at him capturing his lips in a sweet kiss. Those two were unbelievably adorable. We turned our attention to the stage just as Kings of Leon - Sex on Fire starting playing for the karaoke. This would be interesting. 

I excused myself from the table as I needed to use the bathroom. I cheered and pumped my arms a few times passing the stage to support my friends before using the facilities.
Once I was finished I walked out and was about to make my way back to the table when a hand wrapped around my upper arm, pulling me from the bar and outside.

"What the..." I growled but stopped myself once I looked into those all to familiar blue eyes, he held a finger up to his lips telling me to be quiet as he walked me around the side of the bar where no one was and no one could see us. "Jon is everything okay?" I asked but he didn't respond.

Instead he pressed me against the brick wall and pressed his lips against mine tightly. I felt myself whimper, the all too familiar sensations running through my body. My heart pounded against my chest like it was about to explode, there was a heat building between my legs as his lips worked their magic against my own. He tangled his right hand in my hair, moving it to the back of my head and pulling me closer to him, his left hand rubbing circles on my hip.
I felt myself kiss back as I fell into the kiss; hard, I was craving him. I ran my hands through his hair and over his broad shoulders pulling him even closer to me before I realised what I was doing. I placed my hands firmly on his chest pushing him back with as much force I could muster, causing him to stumble.

Best Is Yet To ComeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ