Ch 5 The Old Gods

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After some coaxing from his Uncle, Zuko had sat down and we were all gathered around a fire, there were still grumblings from Zuko, but I ignored them.

"So who is Percy?" Sakka asked

"I'm right here you know," I mumbled, but no one heard me.,

"He's a legend here, with his sword Riptide and amazing water bending,"

"A water bender?" Zuko yelled

"Zuko! Either sit and listen or go!" Iroh finally snapped, and Zuko clamed up sitting down, getting fidgety I drew riptide and started spinning it in my hands,

"That's Riptide!" Iroh said

"Ummm that's a pen," Sakka said dryly, I sighed and uncapped it, everyone jumped back

"See, sword," I said capping riptide again and continuing to twirl it around, "So how do you know me?" I asked

"In the spirit world there were spirits, yes, but there was a forgotten power, one that regulated the spirits, they were friends. The gods." Iroh said, "These gods were forgotten over time as the spirits slowly crossed into the in-between, and some crossing completely. The gods were left alone, and therefore they left,"

"So what? He's a god?" Zuko asked,

"Demigod actually," I said then turned back to Iroh, "That still doesn't explain how you know me,"

"Your stories were told all over! Are you surprised that they traveled across dimensions?" Iroh asked, "Although your stories are more like fairy tales to the people here, very few know the truth." I sighed and nodded

"That makes sense," I sighed leaning back

"As for the portal, it has moved to earth kingdom, I recommend traveling with the Avatar to reach it," Iroh said starting to pack up he handed me a map, "This is a map detailing the route to the vortex, Zuko and I will stay out of your way until you make it back to your universe." Zuko gapped at his Uncle, but I nodded my head,

"Thank you," I said and he smiled and put a hand on my shoulder.

Okay short and late chapter, I'm sorry but as it says on my calendar I have finals next week and prep for that has been murder, again I'm really sorry, I'll see y'all on December 21!

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