Ch 6 Joining The Team

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We came back from the mission dirty and smiling, it was a great success and we managed to take down and save the kids before the testing even started.

"So, will you stay Percy?" Dick asked as we walked to the showers, I paused looking around the group, it had been a while since I'd been in a group like this, and despite the fighting, I'd have to be doing it should be fine, but then again, I was too close to New York, I might end up causing more trouble than I'd help. I sighed and pulled out riptide twirling it in my hand as they stared at me,

"I think you'd be a great addition to the team," A dark voice spoke up and my head jerked up ~I know a lot of fanfics Batman hates Percy and they have a funny dynamic but I think that Percy has enough enemies without one being on the team~ "And if you're worried about the monsters coming after you, don't that is no reason to cut yourself short, it's a side effect of your powers, and one you can't run away from," I looked at Batman for a minute before turning to the rest of the team who all offered me small signs of approval, even Artimis nodded in acknowledgment. I swallowed and nodded,

"I'll join under two conditions," I said finally and Batman narrowed his eyes at me, "One, under no circumstances, is anyone to look into my mind, I've seen things that no mortal or god should see," I said particularly looking towards Megan who nodded agreeing, "And two, I might need to be able to leave at any time without everyone worrying, the gods have a habit of requesting my presence at the worst times possible, so I don't want you to worry if I go missing," I repeated myself to drive the statement home.

"I think that can be arranged," Batman said handing me a small device, "This is a tracking chip, if you ever plan to leave destroy it or leave it behind, if it is still active when you are gone, I'll assume you want to be found, and we'll come help," I smiled accepting the small device before sticking it in my pocket, Batman deadpanned, "you're supposed to swallow it," He said,

"Ummmm," I said looked at him, he didn't really except me to- oh yeah, he totally did, "Didn't you just say to destroy it if I wasn't in danger?" I asked and he shrugged,

"You'll figure something out," He said and I paused for a minute before backing up slightly, I don't think Gaea was going to favor me over this bat dude anymore.

"Ummmm, I don't think that's the best plan, I'll just uhh, keep it on me?" I asked Batman narrowed his eyes at me again before nodding, I was starting to notice that he did that a lot.

"That's another thing, we are going to need you to have a code name and a superhero outfit,"

"Oh uhh, what's wrong with Percy?" I asked and Dick laughed placing a hand on my shoulder,

"It's to keep your identity secret, so you can live a normal life without the mask, you're used to the mist covering up your movements but we don't have that as an option," He explained and I looked at him a moment before nodding, and crossing my arms,

"Well since it's your world how about you pick it out," I said and Kaldar stepped forward

"If I may, we could call you 'Riptide' as a tribute to your sword?" He said and I shook my head,

"Too Greek, it wouldn't do much good about hiding my identity," I said then frowned down at my sword, "Although I'll have to be more careful about using this, it's supposed to leave mortals alone but it's solid enough against other materials so it should still be useful as a weapon," ~Another thing my fellow fanfic writers like to do is make Percy a killer and discuss the morals of it in their books, that will NOT be an issue in my book, I repeat it will NOT be an issue, one of the main points in the first series was that their weapons were for monsters and not mortals~

"What about Maelstrom it's an early modern Dutch word that means 'whirl' or 'stream' which translates to a powerful whirlpool," Dick said and I nodded thoughtfully,

"I think that'll work," I said and he smiled and patted my back,
"Great, now let's get you settled in," 

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