Ch 2 Little Flying Creatures Flock Me

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We'd moved to Marinette's room, because Tiki, they flying red

thing refused to stop flying around me.

"When she first saw me, she called me a bug mouse, "Tiki whispered to me. I chuckled, then laughed. Surprised, Marinette stopped, looked over to me then back at Tiki, 

"So why did you reveal yourself?" I asked her. 

"I get my powers from Metis, or her least commonly known name, Thesis," I looked at her surprised 

"I thought that Metis was dead? Something to do with being in Zeus' head," I asked confused

"What are you guys talking about?" Marinette asked

coming over to us. Tiki looked over to me expectantly. I sighed and bowed my head slightly, something Annabeth taught me to do whenever I address my title 

"My name is Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon," I said Marinettelooked shocked, then started freaking out again. I sighed and pulled outRiptide flipping it in my hands

"Perseus," Tiki whispered, and suddenly a bunch of these creatures was flying around me. 

"What-" I looked around startled, "Wow there are a lot of you, you don't all come from Greek gods do you?" I asked 

"No, we date the gods!" She piped up, I looked at her startled, "You Perseus Jackson are quite the legend, I'm going to go grab Plagg, he would die if he missed this!" She said speeding off

"WAIT! I'M STILL-" She speed off, "confused," I muttered, all the little Kwami's were staring at me and muttering stuff like 'It's him' and 'I can't believe it!' I looked towards Marinette, but she had stilled when she had heard my name. I groaned and covered my face with my hands, of course, this had to happen. 

"Ummm Marinette? What's happing?" I asked her tentatively

"Oh! We know about you're quests and everything you've down. " She blushed, "We've admired you for a while now," 

"Right," I said looking down. I don't really do well with this 'admiration' Suddenly Tiki was back and flying around Marinette,

"Chat Noir wanted to meet you too, he wants me to take you to the park to meet him!" Tiki said to me. I nodded, 

"Okay, I guess," I said walking towards the door, 

"Oh! One more thing, Perseus-" I wince 

"Percy, please," I said and she nodded

"Percy, neither Chat Noir nor I know the other's secret identity, please keep it a secret." She asked and I nodded, 

"Of course," I said. 

I'd managed to keep up with the speeding red blur in front of me for a good ways, but when she swooped into a gated park, I lost her in the people milling about. I shrugged it off and decided to have a look around. I circled the grounds a few times before settling on a bench, sitting next to a blonde boy about my age. I smiled awkwardly as I sat down.

"Salut," He said dejectedly, I looked over at him.

"Uh hi?" I asked not sure what he'd said but it sounded like a greeting. 

"Oh! You're a tourist!" He said in perfect English. I nodded

"Yeah, I was visiting Scotland and I'd figure why not visit France?" I asked then studied him again, "Are you okay man? You look kind of down." I asked him and he nodded

"Yeah, I was supposed to meet my

hero, but the friend bringing him lost him on the way here." I nodded

"I was supposed to meet someone too, but I lost my guide," I said chuckling a bit at the irony.  He chuckled as well, and I stuck out my hand


"Adrian," He said shaking my hand. I nodded and then turned back to the people milling about the park,

"So, what do you think of the city of love so far?" He asked. I thought back to the bakery.

"Busy," I said and grimaced at all the attention I got back at Marinette's place. Then a couple past and I flashed back to Annabeth, I docked my head, "and lonely," I said slightly smiling. She would've loved everything here. I wish I could've taken her. We always talked about coming here. Annabeth bloodied in my arms flashed in my mind. I jerked back.

"Well, I better go find my guide, it was nice to meet you, Adrian," I said, starting to walk away,

"Wait!" He called, "I'm hanging out with some friends later, why don't you come along?" I thought for a minute and then nodded,

"That'll be nice," I said right before two blurs caught my attention, one black, and the other red. We both turned to look at each other as they stopped in between us.

"You're Perseus Jackson?" Adrian asked incredulously. Of course,

"And your Chat Noir." I laughed.

Hi!  This upload is about 792 words so since y'all are used to 1000 words the 'missing' 200 words might make a difference. From now on I will be uploading three pages of text, instead of shotting for 1000 words, and then seeing where a good part to cut off is. So if my updates feel shorter that's why.  <<Edit 10.01.2020 I have finished writing this book so I will be updating as scheduled>>

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