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Guess who's new laptop finally came in! That's right I'm back! There was a whole ordeal with getting this laptop. (If you don't really care look for the series of *)

First, my whole laptop crashed and all of my files were destroyed so we brought it in to try to revive it. When we brought it in they told me that I can come back and get the cracked screen fixed. We were told that it would be done in 10 days. Ten days later despite calling we still have no information. So we go in person, we wait in line and when we finally get some help we find out this; the person working on my laptop was sick so they were distributing his work until he got better and came back. My laptop was UNTOUCHED. So to compensate, he took care of me on the spot. TEN MINUTES later we found out that the price of repairing the screen coast MORE than the laptop, and as such the warranty stated that I would receive the money for the laptop at the price we paid. I was upset bc I was attached to that laptop (after having it for years) but there wasn't anything I could do. We go through the process of picking out a new touchscreen laptop (a process in itself) and we get to the check-out line. The cashier DROPS MY NEW LAPTOP! He apologizes and goes to the back to switch it out. It's all good... or so we thought. Quick side note, the store was SUPER BUSY. So we go home and after a bit, I go to set up my new laptop I set it up, and it's all good until... I touched the screen. My supposedly 'touchscreen' laptop was not a touchscreen, and if you've ever bothered to research this touchscreens are typically more expensive than a non-touchscreen. So we go back. We immediately get a manager not wanting to deal with someone who couldn't do anything anyway, but even though they had no proof of a sale, their prices went up. We bought my laptop at $799 but now my laptop was $899. So the manager says we can upgrade for at least $100. And as we continued to talk to him, he was EXTREMELY unreasonable. Then the person who had sold us the laptop came up. He talked to the manager verifying what we were saying. The manager then turned on his employee and said "the change ($100) would come out of his paycheck," Then the manager turns to us and accommodates us very nicely. But that wasn't enough of an adventure... THEY WERE OUT OF STOCK! Everything that resembled my laptop was sold out. We went through that for nothing. We left no better off then we had to come in. We went home and re-grouped. My dad found a BETTER laptop online for CHEAPER (not much but hey take what you can get) so we went back and returned the laptop. All that was left was to wait for my laptop to come in. So long story short don't go to Microsoft Center.


If you read through that I am sorry, buuuuuut to my announcement. Even though I haven't been posting I HAVE been writing so I will be updating daily until I catch up to where I was. After I catch up I will post another update message about a new updating schedule! This will start today. I'm not sure how many chapters I will post in a day but there will be an update!

Percy Jackson The Multi-Verse Hero.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें