Ch4 Finally Getting Somewhere (teaser update)

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I had looked over every angle and so far there was nothing, it had been weeks and yet there was no progress.

"So, what are you going to try next?" Rikki asked from the moon pool. I shook my head,

"I'm not sure, I'm starting to think that you guys were the 'danger' my father was talking about," I told her and she rolled her eyes,

"Yeah, that's not likely," She said and I chuckled a bit.

"You're right," I said and shook my head and jumped into the moon pool splashing beside her, "Let's go do something,"

"Like what?" She asked and I tilted my head,

"Want to race?" She smirked,

"The first one to the café wins," She said, and I nodded and ducked under the water,

"See you there," I said underwater before speeding off, I played with the waves a bit, giving myself the advantage and soon I found myself sitting in a booth with a drink, waiting for Rikki.

"Cheater," She said walking up to me, I laughed and stood up,

"Come on, I heard of a marine park," I said walking back through the beads

"Shouldn't you get back to studying?" She asked following behind me and I scrunched my face, "it gives me a headache," I said and she laughed.

"Well, it's not my usual scene, but you'll pay?" She asked and I rolled my eyes, my dad had given me some human money so I supposed I could blow it on some fun,

"Sure," I said and Rikki smiled,

"Great!" then she took off running, "see you there!"

"Wait! I don't know where I'm going!" I shouted after her, but she just winked at me. I chuckled and took off after her.


I handed Rikki a cotton candy stick, after taking a bite myself,

"What is with you and blue?" She asked picking at the candy,

"My first Stepdad said that blue food wasn't possible, and since then my mom brought home blue candies to prove him wrong," I smiled, "Her blue cookies are the best!" I picked a chunk off of the cotton candy,

"So, what's up with you and Zane?" I asked

"What do you mean?" She tensed

"Last I checked you were still his girlfriend, but recently, you are totally cold when someone mentions his name," I explained,

"He was kissing Sofie when he thought I wasn't around," Rikki said flippantly like she didn't care. Hum my eyes snagged on a dolphin show advertisement,

"Hey, isn't that Cleo's job?" I asked and Rikki followed my gaze and grinned,

"Come on," She said pulling me towards the show.

We found our seats and waved to Cleo who nervously waved back. The dolphin was a chatterbox and I couldn't help but laugh at some of its stories as it went through Cleo's tricks, Rikki was looking at me weird but when we approached Cleo after the show the dolphin swam up to me excitedly and I patted his head as we chatted with Cleo.

"Shouldn't you be working on that project of yours?" Cleo asked and an idea shot through me,

"Yeah! I've got to go!" I said excitedly, "Oh! Rikki you good here?" I asked and she nodded shooing me off,

"Yeah go," I smiled and thanked her before taking off, I ran to the beach and didn't even bother taking off my clothes before jumping in the water, if the water was being cryptic, I could always just ask the fish, I swam around to a shark reef,

"Hello," I said swimming up to a bunch of them, I swear sharks are just like dogs, they all jumped talking all at once, I raised my hands,

"I just need some information," I said,  

I wasn't planning to update anything besides the 'checking in' chapter but I felt bad and I'm up late writing anyways I figured 'why not?' so here ya'll go I hope you enjoy it 😊

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