Ch 7 Yet another birthday

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That night Annabeth didn't visit me so the next morning I didn't even move, just stared straight up at the ceiling, I'd wanted to talk to her about what to do with Dick, but now I would have to wait an a-whole-nother year. Around noon there was a knock on my door but I ignored it, I wasn't in the mood to celebrate. Dick poked his head into my room and I snapped my eyes shut pretending to be asleep, he sighed and sat down on the edge of my bed,

"I'm surprised you're still this childish," Dick said and I opened an eye a bit, he was taking off his shoes, "Scoot over," He said and I complied, he lay down next to me, "She didn't show up, did she?" I chuckled darkly

"No, she did not," I said he sighed and his hand brushed against mine, I stiffened

"What happened to you Percy?" He asked, "You spooked whenever I got close, I told you that I would look for you and I did,"

"There- there was another war," I said and he stiffened and turned to me, gripping my hand tightly,

"Between who?"

"Another evil Grandfather," I sighed, "I managed to save everyone with little to no casualties on my side, but even so I couldn't save the kids, they all had to go through it,"

"It wasn't your fault Percy," He said squeezing my hand, I chuckled shaking my head

"I've spent the last four years helping those kids through it, and after this, I'm going back," I said looking over to him and attempting to take my hand back, "I don't want you to get your hopes up Dick, I'm spending one semester here then I'm going back," I said Dick latched onto my hand refusing to let go,

"Until when?" He asked, his voice darkening,

"Well, I really enjoy it, I think that's what I want to do, spend my year at Hogwarts and my summers at camps, helping the kids, but at least three more years," I said and he smiled and run his thumb along the back of my hand,

"What if I joined you?" He asked and I turned to him,

"What? No! Dick, you can't! Your place is here, not over there," I said sitting up, he sat up with me so we were sitting face to face.

"My place Percy," He said getting closer, "Is with you,"

"Dick I-" I started my eyes getting wide, but he brought a hand up to the back of my neck,

"Come on! We're all waiting!" Garfield said bursting into the room, I drew back rolling off the bed and sliding on my jacket,

"I think I'm going to go out for my birthday this year," I said slipping out of the room. After I got a few steps there was a loud commotion then silence. I sighed and headed out. Not to the beach, no Dick would find me there, I dived into the water and just sat at the bottom.

"Sulking just because I ignored your call?" A voice spoke out and I whirled around. I must have fallen asleep because Annabeth was there standing on camp half-blood's beach.

"I'm not sulking," I said, I missed Annabeth but I also really didn't feel like talking to anyone right now,

"Percy," She sighed sitting down, and patting beside her, I crossed my arms and she gave me a look I sighed and sat down where she'd indicated, "What happened?" I sighed and put my head in my hands,

"I was so close Annabeth, I felt at home again, then I go off and all those kids Annabeth! Then I can't get rid of these feelings for Dick, but then I still love you. And I can't go for Dick because he has a life here, and I can't stay here because I've got a job at Hogwarts now, and then there's this new team, I've got like 5 or 6 months with this team and I don't want to get attached, but also, I don't think I have it in me to be cold to them, they just lost one of their teammates and they don't need to lose another," I said and Annabeth placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Tell them that, then," She said, her voice fading in and out, I knew I was walking up and I smiled softly at her, she nodded knowing it too, "And don't worry about me Percy, I'm gone, focus on what you have,"

"I love you, wise girl," I said and she smiled,

"Go get him seaweed brain." 

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