Chapter 9

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With my head held high, the strength grew within my being, the courage and the will to be able to do something about it to help those I appreciate in this life, produced in me a determination from which I would not back down so easily.

"Curtis was here, I saw him. He came out of level four, where the G-virus was kept"

I remembered what Claire had said.

I smiled defiantly, I am already part of this duel, of this battle against bioterrorism.

I pressed button number four. I inhaled air and exhaled gently, ready for anything.

It didn't take long for the elevator doors to open, I finally reached level four. I looked around, there were three zombies wandering down the hall.

Cautiously I walked slowly, I looked into the other corridor, the body of a security guard was lying on the floor bathed in a lake of blood.

I approached him, looking for some kind of weapon.

And bingo!

I found a revolver, with a bit of fear I removed the case with bullets from his waist next to the weapon. I checked it was loaded and the other bullets with the case I hung on my waist.

Suddenly I heard an explosion and felt the shaking on the surface. An alarm began to sound and red lights pulsed all over the place.

The infected turned in my direction and I was stalked. I took up the revolver and prepared to dispose of them.

I aimed and shot one in the head and then another, both fell to the ground, the third one I left alive and ran dodging him, since the main thing was to reserve as many bullets as possible to use them against any other greater threat.

I got far enough away from the infected and decided to walk, for a moment I felt lost, until I heard a terrifying roar accompanied by several screams.

I sharpened my auditory senses and prepared to follow the source of those bellow.

My heart was racing more and more, I tried to ignore that and continue, because maybe I'll find Leon there, maybe he is in need of help and I'll be there to help him.

I came to a corridor where through the huge window I managed to see the interior garden and there was Angela, face to face in front of a huge monster, a mutant with a deformed face and a huge eye on his right arm.

Shit! He's going to attack her.

I hit the window trying to get her to hear me.

- Angela, run! - I screamed.

But it didn't work. Kennedy soon arrived, who intervened with a knife. He had thrown it into the creature's huge eye.

- Incineration in thirty seconds. - I heard the voice on the speakers.

What the hell?

I could see how the two agents began to run, away from the monster. For a moment I was frozen, without knowing what to do.

- Twenty, nineteen, eighteen, seventeen ... - It counted.

At that moment I reacted and decided to run down the hall without knowing where to go, I just wanted to get as far away as possible so the flames wouldn't reach me.

- Ten, nine, eight ...



I ran into some zombies on the way, I quickly shot three to make my way, until suddenly I tripped over a cable and fell to the ground, the revolver slipping out of my hands.

The other infected came to me and I was very exhausted.

- Three, two, one. - Finished the count.

I gulped, I was perspiring like never before, I heard the explosion and the wave caused many crystals to break.

A huge piece of glass passed through the head of a zombie, its blood splattered down my shirt and I could see its body fell to the ground.

In the distance I watched the flames approach.


I got up quickly and with all my might I ran as fast as possible. Until I dove behind a pillar and squat down, covering my head.

At that moment I felt the heat of the flames brushing my shoulders, my arms and my legs.

- Aaaaaghhh! - I screamed in pain.

Soon everything was gone, I slowly looked up and leaned fully against the pillar, spreading my hands to my sides. I stretched my legs, my chest rose and fell, I was very agitated, very tired.

My body was very hot, my arms were stained, dirty and burned. Luckily the burn was only mild.

I looked to my side, the body of an infected man lay burned and dead on the surface. I watched him with disgust and pity.

I stood up and looked at my surroundings, the place was an oven, it was hell itself.

Due to the smoke that covered the funereal atmosphere, I coughed and wiped the sweat running down my forehead, with my shirt.

I saw the revolver on the ground, I tried to grab it but it was so hot that I couldn't even touch it. I sighed, I suppose that now I will be without means of defense.

- Level four submergence system will engage soon. - The computer spoke on the speakers.

I was impressed, not bad for some speakers, they are very resistant.

- Level four submergence system will engage soon. - Repeated.

At that moment I realized that I was in danger.

Submergence system?!


I hurriedly walked up the emergency stairs. I got to another floor, fortunately they had not been infected in the area.

I was somewhat confused and lost. The place was dark, but I managed to see a small hole of light. By instinct I decided to go through that when I got closer each time it got bigger.

When I reached the end of the path, that gap of light turned out to be a panoramic view of the levels that were submerging.

It didn't take long for me to see Leon, Angela, and the monster that had chased them. I observed the blonde was hit by that creature and sent him flying back to what looked to be level four.

Level four ...

Damn it!

The computer started counting down, and I could see Leon running towards my direction with parkour techniques and at incredible speed.

- Ten, nine, eight ...

Kennedy slipped under some iron pipes and stood up to keep running. For a moment I was admiring his fitness. He was fantastic.

Soon level four began to falter.

- Five, four...

Leon was several meters away, so I decided to go to the shore. I knew he might not make it.

- Three, two, one...

Level four collapsed and I lost sight of Kennedy.


I decided to drop to the ground over the edge and hold his hand with all my might.

- Laura? - He asked confused.

I smiled and helped him to safety.

- Just a little bit, right? - I joked.

- Thank you. - He said and stood up.

For a moment we stare into each other's eyes. Until my gaze drifted behind him. The monster was cornering Angela.

Kennedy turned around. We saw a destroyed, but semi-functional platform that was located very close to where the agent and that aberration were.

Leon and I looked at each other as if our thoughts were connected.

- Let's do it. - I mumbled and he nodded.

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