Final Chapter

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The next day, I went shopping with the money Leon had given me, got more comfortable clothes and a new phone. Regarding what happened the night before we haven't talked about it, we have been ignoring it, actually that moment was very uncomfortable, well not exactly that part where ... that, but rather when we were interrupted, but hey, maybe it was just attraction After all, Leon is very handsome.

Walking through some stores I noticed some headphones and I decided to buy them. I downloaded good music and I took out some cards from my pocket where there were the phone numbers of Agent Kennedy and Hunnigan, I added them to my contact list.

I looked around and sighed, everything seemed so normal. The merchants selling their products, the people buying happily.

Does shopping at a mall cause excitement?

I no longer remember the last time I went shopping to have fun and hang out ...

I sighed and looked at the phone, decided to dial Leon's number and left the mall.

Minutes later we had arrived at the meeting in Wilpharma, the place was closed, only remains and ashes of what a prestigious building was once remained. Seeing that landscape in the light of day only left me more shocked, images of the rotting and burned infected bodies flashed through my mind.

What a horrible way to die for those people who were just doing their jobs.

 - Frederick confessed everything. - Leon spoke, when we met Claire and Angela. - He was also the one that provided the T virus to the terrorists in India. He even acted as the black-market broker. He stole the T and G viruses, then escaped right before the Raccoon City disaster. But Frederick decided he could only sell them as a set with a vaccine, so he erased his past, found employment at Wilpharma and gained unrestricted access to their research facilities, he had the luxury of searching for potential customers while manufacturing the vaccine. This is how he stumbled upon General Grande. All the terrorist incidents ...

I ignored Leon's voice when in the distance I could see Rani and his grandmother. Seeing the little girl touched me a lot.

- Laula! - She yelled very happy, interrupting Leon.

- Rani! - I said greeting her.

- Go with her. - Claire told me and I happily agreed.

I walked to Rani and her grandmother, while the agents were talking.

- Hi, ma'am. - I greeted grandmother kindly.

- Hello, Laura, Rani has told me a lot about you, you took good care of her. - She said very proud. - You are a very brave girl.

- Thank Mrs. - I just smiled.

- I love you, Laula. - I felt a warm hug on my waist.

It made my throat lump, listening to her like that was like reliving that short moment that I spent with little Soledad. My skin crawled.

- I ... also ... I-love you, Rani. - I barely managed to speak and a few small drops of tears came out of my eyes.

I decided to sigh, I knelt down to her height and hugged her.

- Promise me that you will be brave and take good care of your grandmother. - I spoke while stroking her short hair.

- Yes, I will be brave like you. - She said very happy and separated from me. - Why are you crying? -She asked concerned touching my cheeks.

- Nothing, just something got in my eye. - I commented wiping my tears and smiling.

I stood up and looked at the grandmother who had been looking at this whole scene with great tenderness, I smiled at her and so did she.

- Will you come with us, Laula? - The little girl asked me.

- I don't think so, I have things to do here, but ... - My gaze went to the redhead. - We'll be in touch through Claire.

Suddenly Rani was saddened by lowering her gaze.

- Oh, come on, little girl, you promised to be brave, change that little face. - I said rubbing her hair.

She gave a light laugh and looked up with her forehead.

- I like it that way. - I commented.

- Laura! - I heard Leon's voice.

- I think I gotta go. - I told them.

- Goodbye Laura, take care. - Grandma and Rani spoke in unison.

- Goodbye! - I said goodbye to them.

I walked over to Leon and Claire. I could see a helicopter landing in the area.

- Hey, now what? Will you go by helicopter while I go on foot? - I talked.

- You come with me? - Leon invited.

- Nah, I'm kidding, I prefer to walk, I mean, it's good for the health, right?

They both smiled.

- Next time we bump into each other, let's hope it's some place a little more normal. - Leon said to Claire.

- Definitely. - The woman agreed.

- Until next time. - The blonde said goodbye and walked away climbing the helicopter, leaving Claire and me.

I sighed looking at the sky that ship flying over the city.

- Something happens? - The redhead asked me.

- Huh? No, nothing nothing. - I said clueless.

- It seems to me that it is. - She winked at me jokingly.

- No! How do you think? Leon is like a father to me. - I said blushing and then I remembered last night and laughed to myself.

- We will miss you, Laura. - She said smiling and winked again.

- Ha ha ha, me too, Claire, it was a real pleasure to meet a legend like you. - I smiled kindly.

She left and I was alone, although Angela was a little further away.

- Are you okay? - I asked.

- Yes. - She just said.

I stood next to her, glancing around the place.

- What a mess. - I mumbled.

- My brother was only a tool for them. - She spoke.

- Sorry. - I said.

- What will you do now? - She questioned me.

I decided to remove my phone and look at the contact list, there was Ingrid Hunnigan's name.

Should I accept her offer?

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