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A few years ago...

Alexandria - Egypt.

It was a normal day, in a famous shopping center of the city, my mother and I were there enjoying a delicious ice cream.

Everything seemed to be going well, although I was sad due to my father abscense. My mother tried to cheer me up, but I got distracted by seeing a happy family touring the place, until I could see a blue haze entering the mall.

It was at that moment when I heard some screams and from the second floor, right where we were, I saw several people running in the shopping center, my mother and I were alarmed to observe that, when they came into contact with that mist, the crowd coughed and fainted, suffered from some kind of poisoning. But what terrified us the most was seeing how a man fainted, got up again and attacked another, biting him.

I was shocked, until suddenly my mother stretched out her arm sharply, because I had not noticed that one of those things was going to attack me from the side. Then she threw her ice cream on the face of this guy that when I looked at him I noticed his mouth full of blood.

We quickly ran through the crowd in order to get out into the emergency exit, but just before we got there, a young man opened that door and several infected were already waiting and pounced on the young man. My mother and I moved away from that area, but it was a bit late, since several of them were already on the second floor and the fog was reaching us.

In desperation we decided to jump to the first floor, I had fallen on top of my mother, it was honestly not my intention but she hugged me and let me fall on her. I remember back then she had twisted her right foot, I helped her to stand up and we looked up many infected were jumping from the second floor in a very silly way.

One of them fell close to us, broke his neck but still moved and even stood up, that scared me a lot. My mother couldn't walk and I put her arm on my shoulder to help her escape from that area but an infected man fell on us and tried to bite me but she stopped him with the little strength she had left, the zombie then jumped on top of my mother and bit her directly on the neck.

- No! - I screamed in despair.

- Run, Mazen, run. - My mother said as she struggled lying on the ground, but another zombie arrived and began to devour her.

I looked around in panic, there was nothing I could do, an infected was coming my way, I got up and ran but he grabbed my foot and I fell again, the zombie was dragging me, little by little I felt that I was a banquet served for that hungry monster.

Just when the infected opened his mouth and I covered my eyes, I heard a shot. My skin froze, my hair stood on end. Someone pulled me by the sweater, I opened my eyes and I could only see that infected, lying on the ground, motionless, with a lot of blood around him.

I looked up and there was a soldier, but he didn't look like an Egyptian soldier. He took me away from the place and more of them entered the mall with anti-gas masks to kill all infected, I heard the shots and screams in the distance, I felt very dizzy and the last thing I saw was a peculiar insignia inscribed on the sleeve of the soldier who rescued me, the B.S.A.A. insignia.

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