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It's been a year since all that chaos happened. The United States has been determined to give us a new life and that we forget what happened. Ha, as if something like that were possible. Year 2004, I'll never forget it ...

That was supposed to be the happiest year of my life; my family and I went to a rural area of Spain to vacation and see interesting things. Our goal, to live new experiences with my almost separated family, what I never imagined was that these would be the last experiences shared with them.

One day a religious sect called "Los Illuminados" came to town, or at least that's how they introduced themselves. These "religious" characters took over the village church from where they raised cults to their Lord Saddler. A few days later, I couldn't stand my curiosity anymore and I convinced my uncle to accompany me to the church to see what was going on, then I realized that something was wrong.

Those who congregated there were making human sacrifices for their lord, when we saw this, we were very scared and they discovered us. My uncle was kidnapped and I was barely able to escape, but by the time I got to town, it was too late. All my family and the rest of the vacationers had been killed, only I was left. The villagers started acting strange and started chasing me.

Crying and running, I couldn't do anything else but want to wake up from my nightmare when I was caught in a bear trap. I had to swallow my pain and the urge to scream and hid in the grasses around the trap to avoid being caught and thus managed to survive.

Days later I was found by a blond American boy with an emo hairstyle and a hunter jacket, he called himself Leon. According to him, he was a special agent of the United States and was there in search of Ashley, the spoiled daughter of the president, who had been kidnapped by "Los Illuminados."

I understood less and less, but I accepted his proposal to help each other on the condition that when he found the girl, and my uncle, he would take us with him out of that place and from there to home. Little by little I began to regain hope, but as we progressed I realized that hell was just beginning.

As we entered the heart of Los Iluminados, we discovered strange things and dark secrets, as well as the intentions of that sect. They weren't a religion, they were a bunch of crazy terrorists controlled by a strange kind of plague that were manipulated by that guy named Saddler, and there was more. Incredible monsters, animals and dream mutations that we had to face in order to survive, all variants of the experiments with these pests.

In that hell I managed to find my best friend, who was a great joy for me, until she died because of a trap. Later we found my uncle, but I also saw him die in my arms. For me, everything was lost, but at that moment, someone gave me hope again, a new friend named...

- Laura. You're good? - He interrupted my thoughts.

- Mazen. Yes I am.

- You seemed lost looking out the window.

- I just was thinking. Is nothing. Is there a long way to arrive agent? - I asked the driver of the car.

- Miss, call me Jack please.

- I prefer not to do it, I had a bad experience with someone who bore that name…. - I said while my mind came to that moment when Krauser tried to assassinate me, but if it hadn't been for Leon I would have died.

Although in truth I owe that man more than thanks, after everything that happened in the town and the island has helped us to overcome it, even to start again. Thanks to him and the President of the United States, we will finally return to our respective homes, clearly with the promise that what happened must remain confidential.

Upon arriving at Harvardville airport we were met by a strong public demonstration. Those people were against a company called Will Pharma and a certain Senator Davis or something like that, Jack told us. We still don't pay attention to it. In any case it was good because we would go unnoticed.

After parking, we said goodbye to the driver, who insisted on accompanying us but we insisted to not.

We reached the waiting room and it was not long before the passengers on Mazen's flight to Europe were called, from where he would later travel to Egypt.

- What a holiday of ours. - Mazen said and I smiled. - You know you're counting on me.

- Sure, it's been about five or six times that you repeat the same thing. - I commented and he hugged me out of nowhere.

- I will miss you.

I was like a stone, but then I relaxed and decided to hug him back. Until we part.

- You suffocated me. - I said and he smiled. - Hope to see you soon, friend. - I smiled wistfully.

- I'll also wait for our meeting. - He smiled. - Take care.

- Yes yes, bye bye. I'm bad at goodbyes.

- Yeah yeah, I know rude girl. - Mazen laughed. - But seriously, don't get in trouble. And beware of pale skinned men. - He said the latter, walking away with a big smile.

- That wasn't funny, sand boy. - I whispered to myself. - Ah ... What am I going to do with this one?

I could see how Mazen got lost in the crowd and I was left thinking of nothing. I looked at my watch, my flight was still an hour away. I sighed, and decided to sit in the waiting seats.

A few minutes later I could see a mother who welcomed with a hug to her daughter who had come from a trip, I felt melancholic for a moment so I decided to go to the bathroom to wash my face.

While looking myself in the mirror, I noticed something that I apparently wasn't processing yet: I was alone.

Sadly, I slowly wiped my face when the emergency alarms went off, I heard gunshots followed by screams outside. I ran out and my jaw dropped at the view.

Pale-skinned men full of blood biting other people, the crowd running and screaming everywhere. A woman who appeared dead on the ground, gets up and bites one of the cameramen covering the strike.

I felt everything go into slow motion until I noticed that a guard was biting a woman.

- Hey what's wrong? - I interrupted the man talking about the shoulder and he turned to see me.

The ear he had ripped off the woman was still in his mouth. I was paralyzed.

- What-what the hell is this? A cannibalism party? - I finally managed to say...

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