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I was beyond nervous to start my internship at the Alabamafluent. Not just because I hadn't informed my family that this is the internship I was taking, but also because I knew it would set me down a career path for the rest of my life. It was also exciting, knowing that I'd made this choice that was going to allow me to have control over my life for the first time ever.

Orientation was today, December 30th, and I would officially begin working as an intern for the Alabamafluent on January 2, 2020. They took New Years Eve and New Years Day off, which was kind of nice. It would allow things to really sink in for me. 

I stare at myself in the mirror, trying to decide if I'm going to change outfits for the third time. Emma plays a game on her phone, muttering to herself in the same rhythm that I can hear faint shooting sounds come from the phone. She's told me every outfit has looked "perfect" every time, and now I'm starting to doubt her judgement. 

Nevertheless, I gesture to myself, asking, "What about this one?"

Emma glances up at me, sighing exasperatedly, "Everly, you look great. Please don't change clothes again."

I look back in the mirror at the white turtleneck, black skinny jeans, and black and white plaid jacket, huffing, "It doesn't look too preppy?"

"No, it doesn't."

"Or too plain?"

"I swear to everything good on this freaking planet," Emma groans, looking at me with her wide, brown eyes, "if you try to change your clothes one more time, I'm stealing every piece of clothing you own and making you go to this dumb orientation butt naked."

"That's illegal."

"Well, then," Emma looks back to her phone, "I guess you'll be going to jail butt naked. Don't pick up the soap in the shower."

"What?" I frown.

Emma furrows her eyebrows, "Isn't that some kind of perverted joke people make sometimes?"

"If it is, I'm not familiar with it." I shake my head. 

"You know what time it is, right?" Emma mumbles, as the shooting noises resume. 

"Yeah, I'm leaving in five minutes." I grin mischievously, "Which means I have time to change my outfit once more."

"NO!" Emma yells, "Everly, you look delightful. YOU ARE A DIVINE DAUGHTER OF GOD!" 

I stand up a little straighter, trying to hype myself up, "YEAH, I AM!"

"AND I'LL MURDER ANYONE WHO SAYS OTHERWISE!" Emma yells at the top of her lungs.

"THAT'S A BIT too far for me." I say, my voice getting quieter with every word. I peer around to look at Emma, "I think that game you've been playing is making you more violent."

"Bold of you to assume I wasn't already violent." Emma says, pausing her game to look up at me, "Now get outta here. Go impress some people!"

    ~    ~    ~    ~

The Alabamafluent was one of the most popular magazines in the area. I'd been reading it since I was about fourteen. It covered just about everything you could imagine a local magazine would cover. Events happening in the area, local celebrities', the best upcoming restaurants, fashion, etcetera. 

They'd built a new building for their premises two years ago on the very edge of town. It was only fifteen minutes away from my apartment, and I drove by it frequently. The entire building looked like it was made out of glass, tainted white, blue, or black. It was a large building, too. When I went to the interview, I remembered how much I loved the architecture on the inside as well as the outside. The floors were made of smooth concrete, every office and conference room had enormous windows, and the furniture everywhere reeked of modern elegance. It was light, airy, and perfect. I clicked with the environment immediately. 

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