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When I return from my run, thirty minutes later, I step into the apartment, positively drenched. The sky had conveniently started dumping buckets of water on me when I was still ten minutes away from the apartment. I start getting undressed at the door, suddenly having a greater appreciation for the heater and the roof over my head.

Groaning, I peel the wet shirt off me, "George! I'm cold, wet, and hungry! Something smells really good! Please tell me dinner is ready so I can sit on the couch and feel gross for the rest of the evening!"

I wait a few moments for a response, but no response comes. Furrowing my eyebrows, I step through the hallway and peek into the living room and kitchen. I don't see George in either room, but I do see two plates full of pasta and two of our nice glasses full of white wine.

"George?" I call out, hoping for an answer. Still, no answer comes.

Instead, I pad over to his bedroom door, knocking lightly. There is no sound. I push the door open gently. The lights are off. George is either invisible or not in the apartment.

Feeling concerned, I pull my phone out and text him.

Me: Where are you? Did you go out?

I dry myself off and put on some dry clothes, watching my phone closely to see if George responds. No texts come in. When I have finally gotten my hair dried with my blow dryer, I decide it's time to call George.

That's when I hear the front door open. I come to a halt as I hear someone shuffle into the apartment towards George's bedroom door.

"George?" I say, my voice an octave higher than normal. I wrench the bathroom door open and step out to see George standing in his bedroom door.

He looks almost as if he has been caught - although his expression doesn't portray any kind of guilt. Instead, he looks a little excited. He quickly turns off the light in his bedroom and closes the door.

"Hello, sweetheart." He says cheerfully, "How was your run?"

I frown, "Wet. Where the hell were you? I texted you and you didn't answer."

"Oh!" George says, pulling his phone out of his pocket to check it, "I didn't look at my phone while I was out. Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you or anything. I finished making dinner and then I had to go pick something up from Emma."

"Emma?" I question, "What did you need from Emma? Didn't she just get back in town a couple days ago?"

Last I'd heard from Emma, she was at her parents house for the holidays. She'd claimed that she was too busy to see me until this weekend. Why did she have time to give something to George but not to meet me for coffee?

"Yes, she did." George nods, "It's just a present for you. Let's eat dinner first and then I can give you the gift."

I immediately become less suspicious and instead am curious, "Emma got me a present? For Christmas?"

George looks at me, "Did you get her a Christmas present yet?"

I pause, thinking, "Yeah, but I haven't been able to give it to her yet. She's been gone, you know. Why didn't she want to wait to give me the present until this weekend? Then we could have exchanged gifts."

George shrugs, "Well, I think she just wanted it out of her apartment."

"Is it very big?"

Laughing, George grabs my hand and pulls me towards the kitchen, "Everly, you will find out very soon. But, our dinner is getting cold. Let's go eat now so you can open your present soon."

Metanoia // George Ezra FanficWhere stories live. Discover now