She's Got Skills

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I didn't know why I suggested driving down to Mobile in the beginning of February with the guys. I didn't know why I agreed to leave at six in the morning, and to arrive there at nine in the morning. I definitely didn't know what was going on in my brain when I agreed to give the aux cord to Miguel of all people.

Wait, maybe I do know. 

It is because Ollie is moving to Barcelona and going to the beach in America has been on George and Ollie's "best mates to-do list."

"WHEN THE WEATHER'S FINE, YOU GOT WOMEN - YOU GOT WOMEN ON YOUR MIND!" Miguel sings along from the backseat.

I had to turn the child safety locks on the windows half an hour ago to keep Miguel from rolling down the windows and singing out the window. This was the third time in the past two hours that we'd listened to "In the Summertime," by Mungo Jerry. In the passenger's seat, Emma dances along to the song. Evidently, she has no problem with Miguel's singing or obsession with this song. In the backseat, George seems to be enjoying himself as well, bobbing his head along to the tune. 

Ollie's expression is a perfect reflection of how I feel on the inside.  He glares at Miguel, grumbling, "Will someone please explain to me why the bloody hell we are listening to this song for the third time since we left?"

Miguel grins, happily, "This is a fantastic song! Besides, we're going to the beach. This is the perfect beach song! It's on my summer playlist."

"It's not summer."

"I know that," Miguel bounces in his seat, dancing as wildly as the confines of the car will allow. "But, it's beach time, baby!"

George laughs loudly, watching as Ollie slumps down in his seat. I catch George's eye in the rearview mirror. He smiles softly at me and I return the smile. 

We still haven't talked about...well, anything. It just seems unimportant right now. George is trying to squeeze in as much time as possible with Ollie before he moves to Barcelona, and I am trying to make sure that George gets as much time as he can. This is important to him.

Ollie leans forward from the middle seat, poking his head between Emma and I, muttering, "Can we please stop somewhere soon and get coffee or something? I can't handle the energy back here."

"We'll get to the beach in an hour." I reply, "I figured we could get breakfast in Mobile."

"I understand that." Ollie says, "I really do. But you don't know what it's like back here."

Emma raises an eyebrow, "I'm pretty sure we know exactly what it is like back there."

Ollie groans, throwing himself back into his seat.

"We have lots of snacks up here." I offer, "Cheezits, gummy worms, swiss rolls..."

"Yeah, we have tons of snacks." Emma agrees, holding up a plastic bag full of food and cringing, "I've already eaten a bunch of them. I feel like I'm never going to be healthy again. It's okay. It's fine."

Ollie shakes his head, "No thanks to any of those things at eight in the morning."

"Suit yourself."

    *     *     *     *     *

We arrive at the beach an hour later. It's shaping up to be a gorgeous day. The weather couldn't be more perfect - clear, blue skies, no wind. It was a mild, February morning. 

After we stop for breakfast at a little mom and pop café a few blocks away from the beach, we change into our beach clothing. I've decided on a boho crop top and short shorts. Luckily, it's warm enough to dress like this. Emma, on the other hand, has played it safe. She wears a beige sweater, shorts that come to her knees, and sunglasses. 

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