Cooled Down

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I don't want to be with Draco anymore.

I know that much.

There isn't any singular reason why I do not want to be with Draco. I'd come to the conclusion, even after I'd cooled down from the horrible, embarrassing outing we had. It's a multitude of reasons. George was right; Draco doesn't truly respect me. Not the way that I want him to. Not as an equal. And I need that. I need an equal partnership.

I don't really know if part of my reasoning is also George, and the feelings that resurfaced in me last night. If George knew that I had been tossing and turning last night thinking about how gentle he was when he hugged me, or how soft his eyes had seemed when he looked at me...well, I just might pass out from embarrassment.

After all I have been through over almost a year, I finally know that I deserve someone who treats me right. I am not going to settle.

The very next morning, I message Draco early. I know he will be awake anyways. He usually gets up early to go for a run. We arrange to meet at a nearby bakery at 10:00 AM. I wonder if Draco knows that the break-up is coming. Or maybe, he thinks that it will just go on - business as usual.

Either way, I don't care. I just want out.

I choose my outfit carefully this morning. I don't like confrontations, but Draco tends to be a more confrontational person. Perhaps, if I dress the part, I'll look innocent enough to let go without much of a fight. In the end, I choose a white blouse, with faded jeans. Innocent enough, right? As an extra measure, I bring a peachy cardigan, which adds to the innocent look.

Immediately after I message Draco, I also text Emma too. Around 9:00 AM, I pace around my bedroom, with a lot of pent up energy for someone who hadn't slept very well the night before. When my phone pings several times, I rush over to pick it up and see a response from Emma.

I read over the texts from this morning.

Me: I'm breaking up with Draco today.


Emma: Why??

Emma: I mean, I'm absolutely am celebrating, because I never was crazy about him, but why?

My fingers tap against the screen like little dancers.

Me: It's a long story. I can tell you about it later. I think I just finally realized he is a jerk.

Emma answers right away.

Emma: He totally is. Draco is the second worst. Right after Samson. George and I have talked about how much we dislike him, pretty much ever since you started dating.

Me: Why didn't you ever say anything?

Emma: Would you have listened?

Me: ...Probably not.

Emma: There ya go.

Emma: Either way, you have my full support. Maybe I'll even throw a party...

Me: LOL - thanks, hon. You da best.

Emma: I really am. :)

Sighing, I flop down on my bed, speculating if George is awake yet. Should I tell him that I decided to break up with Draco now or later? Or should I even tell him at all? Surely he will notice when Draco stops coming around. I haven't heard George up and moving about though, so I suppose I will have to tell him later.

All I have to do now was wait for 10:00 to arrive.

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