Introducing...George Ezra!

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~George POV~

Everly seemed nervous as she drove us to her uncle's home. She kept glancing over at me, looking as though she was driving me to my funeral. 

Finally, she says, "My uncle isn't always the most subtle person."

I stare at her, unsure of how to respond, "Erm...okay."

"I just..." She bites her lip, "If you're uncomfortable or you think he's being rude to you at all, you don't have to take it, okay? We can leave whenever you want. I brought you as my date to this party, knowing how my family is, and I just want you to know that just because I put up with it, it doesn't mean you have to."

I smile at the word 'date.'

Of course, she'd explained to me that if she didn't show up with a man that her uncle would have happily, awkwardly provided one for her. I knew exactly why I was there. Her feelings for me were not even romantic, as far as I could tell. 

Yet, it still was something I was just a little too pleased about. Everly Tooley asked me to be her date.

"Everly," I say, in what I hope sounds like a relaxed voice, "It's your birthday. I want to be there. Please, don't worry about me."

She chuckles, her expression changing slightly, "Ah, don't worry about you. Okay. Everything is fixed now. All my worries have magically gone away."

I laugh with her, "No, that's not what I meant. But you are right to some extent. I am your date. So, as your date, I feel obligated to set some ground rules."

She raises her eyebrows at me, her expression disbelieving, "Ground rules?"

"Yes." I nod matter-of-factly, "Now, listen closely - rule number one is that you've gotta have fun."

Everly gives me a knowing look, "Easier said than done."

"Shhh!" I say abruptly, "I'm not finished with the rules yet. Rule number two is that if anyone is rude to you, you must let me stand up to them and have your back."

With a grimace, she says, "You have no idea what you'll be getting yourself into."

"And rule number three," I say loudly, "Is that I get to take loads of cheesy pictures with you to commemorate this occasion."

She laughs, "Okay, fine, I can agree to that one."

Soon, we pull up to an old, country style home. It's in great condition, considering that it's probably been there for a very long time. The porch has been well maintained, the narrow windows shine, as though they've recently been washed, and the flowerbeds are bare from the wintry weather, but still neat. 

"Here we are." Everly says, parking the car, she leans forward, trying to peer around the side of the house, "It looks like the caterers are already here, going through the back door. We'll go through the front. Ruby is going to help me get ready."

I glance at her, "You're not ready now?"

Sure, maybe the cozy blue sweater and jeans isn't the fanciest outfit, but she still looks pretty. Her short, black hair frames her face and barely touches her shoulders. And her eyes, which always seem to change colors between blue, green, and gray - have a slightly distracted look to them, as if she's thinking about something else. Her appearance is enough to draw anyone's attention in a very positive way. 

Everly is something else. 

She chuckles, "No. Why do you think I asked you to wear a suit and tie?"

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