Mix It Up

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I'd really wanted to speak with Everly when we got home from the wedding last night. After the celebration, some family and friends helped us take down the decorations at the church. Of course, Jessica had hired some staff to assist, but cleaning up was going to take the small staff hours. We helped take down the lights, and sent some of the guests home with the many sunflowers that were decorating the hall. Then we loaded up tons of gifts that James and Jessica's friends had brought for them.

Jessica and James (the lucky ducks) got to leave the party before clean up happened, so they could escape to their honeymoon. They weren't going anywhere fabulous or anything. Obviously, there were still some concerns regarding the pandemic. But, they would have a lovely newly-wed holiday in Colchester.

Once we finally made it home, much later than I anticipated, we were all dead on our feet. I knew I was sweaty, and probably didn't smell the greatest. Everly had immediately flopped onto our shared bed, complaining that her feet were sore. I'd walked out of the room, already unbuttoning my shirt, and mumbling that I would be coming to bed as quickly as possible.

I showered in record time. But, when I came back into the bedroom, Everly was already fast asleep in her pajamas.

It hadn't been easy to fall asleep, either. Not with Everly laying there in her soft, pink pajamas, practically glowing after the busy, tiring day she'd had. I slid into the sheets, immediately cuddling up to her. A complete shift had been made in the past twenty-four hours.

She isn't just Everly anymore.

Now, she was my Everly.

It is morning now. Sunlight is peeking in through the cracks in my gray curtains, lighting up the room around me. My childhood bedroom. The place is practically untouched from the last time I was here. The only exception were the sunflowers on the dresser that Everly brought back from the wedding yesterday. Otherwise, the room was covered in nostalgia. My old guitar was propped up in the corner. There was an old photo album on the shelf with other books I'd been encouraged to read as a student. My open closet door reveals old t-shirts and sweaters that I've long since forgotten.

This is a place of memories.

Memories of my earlier life. And now, memories of Everly and I. Years and years would have to pass before I would ever forget the way she looks now, sleeping peacefully in my bed.

Carefully, I pull Everly closer to me, so she can cuddle into my chest. She seems to stir slightly when I do so, and I'm hopeful that she will wake, but she settles back down almost immediately.

For a while, I allow my mind to wander.

I have to remember to tell Everly, once she wakes up, that I agreed to meet Ollie and his girlfriend for lunch today at Gator Jacks. I am happy that Ollie has met someone that he is comfortable with. I know he struggles with anxiety and panic attacks. I'm proud he's been able to open up to someone new like that. I'm sure his therapist is proud of him too.

Then, my mind turns to how my Mum will react once I tell her that I have asked Everly to be my girlfriend. Well, after I finally do ask Everly, anyway. For days, Mum has been making sly, little comments, indicating that she suspects our relationship is one of a romantic nature. I don't know why I thought I could fool my family by telling them Everly and I are just friends. My family knows me better than I know myself sometimes. Of course, they saw right through me.

And I can't pretend that there wasn't a change after Everly finally broke up with that jerk, Draco. Just thinking about Mr. Pretentious sets my teeth on edge. I hated seeing him treat Everly the way he did. He didn't even treat her that terribly, really, but it was his attitude, mostly. He considered himself better than Everly. He considered himself better than most people, actually.

Metanoia // George Ezra FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon