Plan on It

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~George's POV~

We step into the church's rec hall hand in hand. Everly hasn't said much today; not since we'd had sex anyways. I just want to know what she is thinking. As for myself, I haven't been able to stop thinking about her. How soft her skin was, or how she sounded, or how tightly she'd held me to her.

I keep thinking about how I want more.

Jessica and James stand near a greeting arch in the front of the room. The hall is lined with windows that allow the light of the dying day into the room. It will be dark within the hour. However, of course, Jessica has planned for that. Lights are hung up all across the hall, and bunches of sunflowers are on nearly every flat surface.

My eyes land yet again on my sister, who is absolutely beaming. She seems to glow from head to toe. I haven't paid much attention to my sister today, as my mind has been otherwise engaged, but I can't ignore how beautiful and happy she looks. I am undeniably glad that my sister has someone who made her happy.

Everly squeezes my hand softly, muttering to me, "Jessica did a really great job planning this wedding. It looks amazing."

Turning so I can look in Everly's green-gray eyes, I smile at her, "Yes, she did. It does look amazing. However, I doubt anything or anyone else in this room could look as amazing as you do in that dress."

She smirks a little, muttering, "You think?"

"I know."

Everly glances around the room, nodding toward the bar across the room, "I'm going to grab a drink. Would you like anything? Wine perhaps?"

I grin at her, joking, "Only bring me wine if you want a repeat of what happened earlier today."

She chuckles, "All right, I'm gonna see if they have soda or something for me. I'll be back."

I watch her as she walks away, noting the way her hips sway back and forth.

My thoughts are interrupted by a familiar, friendly voice, "George, my dear, sweet boy! How are you?"

My eyes fall upon Ollie, who looks happy - happier than normal, I think. And noticeably, he seems quite comfortable, despite the number of people that he is surrounded by. I also notice the woman who holds his arm, smiling warmly. Her brown hair is pulled over her shoulder elegantly.

I step forward, opening my arms to give Ollie a bear hug. We embrace briefly, and I exclaim, "Ollie! It's good to see you, mate."

He pulls away, smiling, "It's been far too long."

"Well, need I remind you that I am not the traitor that up and moved to Barcelona?" I tease.

"That is true," he concedes playfully. Then, he gestures to the girl beside him, "George, I don't think you've ever met my girlfriend in person."

"I haven't." I shake her hand as she steps forward, looking welcome to the exchange. "You must be the famous Rat A."

She laughs at our inside joke, her American accent so similar to Everly's (minus Everly's southern accent of course), "I can't believe that's what the two of you call me."

I giggle, sharing a wink with Ollie, "If it makes you feel any better, he calls his Mum "Mother Rat.""

She nods, giving Ollie a faux scowl, "Oh, I know. Believe me, this mother and I have had very stern words with him about our nicknames."

Ollie chuckles, looking at his girlfriend, "Dearest, why don't you grab our gift from the car and leave it on the gift table while George and I catch up. Is that okay with you?"

Metanoia // George Ezra FanficWhere stories live. Discover now