"I see… I couldn't help but overhear the piano…" Mavis was really trying to help the poor girl relax, she'd seemed tense since she got here. 

"Yes, I learned to play when I was young…" Lucy tried not to get too comfortable. Mavis told her not to worry about formalities, but she truly wasn't sure just how far she was allowed to go. 

"...And you can read? That's very interesting- most servants are uneducated…"

As she caught Mavis' gaze on the book she was holding, Lucy inwardly panicked. It was very odd for servants to read, let alone a book written in a language of the gods. What if Mavis was suspicious?

"Ah, yes… my mother taught me how… also when I was young…"

"That's awesome! Y'know, before I was a queen, I was a servant myself! I'd sneak away and read, write, research, all of the good stuff! I wanted to become educated enough to be more than a servant my whole life, and look at me now! Though I admit I had some help along the way, I think it's very admirable that you can read! Does Natsu know?"

Slowly, Lucy found herself easing up with Mavis. She had no idea the queen used to be a servant! That would explain her dislike of having any in her castle. 

"Yes, he likes for me to read to him sometimes, it soothes him. Same for my music, he likes for me to play for him whenever he's stressed."

The queen gave Lucy a knowing smile before grasping her wrist, slowly leading her out of the room and down the hall. 

"I was wondering if you'd like to join us for dinner?" 

"Yes, of course…" It wasn't like she could just say no to dinner with the queen, but Lucy found herself dreading being at a table with Zeref.

When they entered the dining hall, everyone- Zeref and those of the royal court- were already seated, and they all had their full plates in front of them. Mavis sat next to her husband, and Lucy found it strange that they didn't eat at the head of the table. She sat at the very end, slightly separated from everyone, and a maid placed a small plate of food in front of her. 

Everyone begins eating, but Lucy waited for permission to eat, just as a servant is supposed to. She sat for a little while, and she overheard Zeref ask Mavis if she was feeling okay.

"I'm fine, the baby's just really active right now." The petite blonde smiled, guiding one of her husband's hands to rub along her stomach. Lucy couldn't help but think the moment was incredibly sweet, and the soft expression on Zeref's face was very… adorable. When he wasn't sporting an emotionless expression, she could kind of see the resemblance between him and Natsu. 

When thinking of Natsu, Lucy couldn't help but long for a moment like that with him. She glanced down at her belly, smoothing a hand over it. Although it wouldn't be the best time, she couldn't help but be excited to be pregnant. Hopefully, Natsu could be as optimistic, but she'd find out soon enough.


She jolted out of her thoughts at the sound of her name, her heart dropping when she realized it was the king who had called out to her.

"Y-yes?" She struggled to keep from shaking, Zeref's dark eyes boring into her own. 

"Are you not hungry?" He glanced at her untouched plate and then back up at her, his expression back to being emotionless. 

"I was… just waiting for permission to eat…" Zeref and Mavis shared a look upon hearing Lucy's words, their faces laced with confusion. Lucy didn't understand what she'd said that seemed odd to them, no one else at the table seemed to think anything of it.

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