35 - Chapter Thirty-Five - Zev Martin's Point Of View.

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Seven a.m came super early and I really didn't want to get out of bed but I totally had to. I had other things to do after my workout. I just threw on sweat pants and I sleeveless hoodie. I wasn't in the mood for fancy running clothing, Not when I was going to have to have a vest, and weighted gear attached to me. Jackson was in the kitchen in shorts and a long sleeve. He was sipping on something in a bottle, It looked like some kind of green sludge that I would pass on. I could follow the way he ate, right up until that. That would never enter my body willingly. 

"Ready to go?"

"Never. This is too early."

"It's a perfect time, besides your the one who wanted to do it."


Slipping my running shoes on I wanted to beat Jackson with them. His hand had just gotten all the stitches out the day before and Caleb had been the one to do it. Against all my protesting and not being ok with the situation. But Jackson told me he knew what he was getting into and that I didn't need to protest on his behalf. The doctor was capable of removing stitches. I didn't bring up the drunkness of the doctor that night because Jackson just didn't care to talk about it. So I didn't bring it up. I could respect his choices. 

Jackson scanned his card letting me in before he followed. Jackson and I were well into stretches when Creed showed up. This time he didn't have any of the gear except the vest. I could handle that. Strapping the fucking thing on I didn't miss the look from Jackson as he scanned my body. He was clearly enjoying what he saw. 

Getting onto the treadmill I set it for my normal ten kilometres and set it on a slow build-up.  Jackson joined me a few moments later handing me the headphones.

"You almost forgot them."

"Thanks, I would have."

"I know, don't worry I got you."


Popping the headphone out of the case and into my ears I started the music. Slipping the case into the pocket in my sweat pants I set off on a faster place. The fast pace I was walking was hard on my legs but I fell into a pace that I was comfortable with and kept going. I could handle the burn it was a nice feeling, it meant the workout was working. On the plus side, I would be able to keep up with Rosie and Jackson. Thinking about Rosie made me think about the two children that I had yet to even mention to Jackson yet. I would stress myself out over this if I didn't deal with it as soon as I could. I still wasn't sure how to mention this to Jackson still. I was sure he would be ok with it, but I wanted to make sure. After all, it was his house. 

I kept pondering this until my workout was over. Finally, I just blurted it out at him. But not the way you would expect. Instead of asking if he would want more children. I asked him to make more babies with me. I felt so stupid the moment it became clear what I had actually said.  Jackson looked shocked before he started to howl out in laughter. I knew it was because of the words that had come out of my mouth. 

"Trust me Zev, If you could have children we would have a few more definitely.  But you have the wrong parts for that my good doctor."

"I am aware."

"Are you?"


"Just making sure."

"On that note. I have to ask you something later. But ill wait until after I feed you dinner and use that as a bargaining tool."

"Oh yeah? Must be important if you're going to cook me dinner before bargaining with me."

"Yeah, you could say it's of some importance."

Jackson helped me pull off the vest and I left him there to finish his own workout. The burn in my legs felt pretty good, It wasn't terrible. Heading back to the apartment I let myself in only to almost bump into Emerson. He comes to pick up Rosie for the morning until one of us comes back to the apartment. 

"I can watch her this morning, I have nothing else to finish."

"She's upstairs with Uncle Maddox."

I laughed before following Emerson back to his and Maddox's place. When I got inside I came face to face with Maddox. He had some super pretty "Hooker Blue" coloured eyeshadow. I instantly covered my mouth so I didn't start howling with laughter. The look he gave me told me all on its own that if I laughed he was going to kill me.

"Rosie, Uncle Maddox looks so pretty, but I think some red lipstick like you put on daddy would finish this look the best."

"Really! do you think so!" Rosie said excitedly.

"Oh absolutely!" I said stirring the pot.

"Zev, Maddox is going to murder you," Emerson said holding back laughter.

"I know, It's fine."

Maddox and Rosie returned a moment later and he had lipstick all over his lower chin and lips. It was a sight to see.  I couldn't wait to tell Jackson about this. Later, after dinner and our bargaining. 

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