30 - Chapter Thirty - Zev Martin's Point Of View.

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I was really kicking myself in the ass when I had to get up at the ass crack of dawn with the unkind reminder of the sex I had enjoyed the night before. I had told Creed I would be there and that's exactly what I was going to do. Jackson didn't make a sound or even a movement when I slipped out of the bed and got dressed. All this had made me super aware of the fact that I had used to work out a few times a week and all that went down the darn when my life literally got shot up. I was going to be so out of shape. I just knew it.

Grabbing some of the athletic wear I had out of the closet I slipped on the tight pants and slipped on a normal t-shirt before grabbing a hoodie. After quietly digging around I did find my gym shoes. Slipping them on I blew a kiss at Jackson before I grabbed my phone and a water bottle. As I closed the apartment door I felt slightly bad that I was leaving without telling me anything. But I knew he wouldn't allow it. 

Jogging down the office Alexi and Creed shared I became pretty aware of the throbbing in my lower back. It was something I could ignore though. Creed was sitting at his desk sipping a cup of coffee and looking at his phone. I really wasn't surprised to see that Alexi wasn't here. He was probably still sleeping.

"Alexi didn't get much sleep last night. He had a pretty bad attack last night and refused to sleep for fear he would have another one."

"He is sleeping now then?"


"Good, he still does need sleep."

"I drugged him."

"You what?"

"I gave him a cup of coffee and a spoonful of my yogurt this morning with a sleeping pill in it."

"Creed. He's going to be very angry when he wakes up and realizes you have drugged him."

"I know."

"Then why would you risk his anger?"

"His wellbeing is more important than to twenty or so minutes he will be angry with me."

"I mean, you're not wrong. But I'm not condoning this behaviour."

"I don't expect you to."

That was both interesting and puzzling to me. He knew I wouldn't condone it but still shared what he had done with me. Creed was comfortable sharing his sins with me and that was a cool thing. I was glad he could trust me.

"Alright, let's head to the gym."

"Sounds good."

Creed led the way to the gym we were going to be using and it was super close to my office. That was pretty surprising to me that there was a gym just down the hall from my office and I really hadn't noticed at all. I hadn't heard of seen anyone ever using it.

Creed must have picked up on my confusion at the gym because he started to laugh.

"This gym is only used by higher-ups, The underbosses, their assistants and families along with Maddox of course."

"That makes sense."

"Yeah, You need a key card to get in. I have Alexi's."

"He doesn't use it?"

"He has a workout room in his wing."

"I could see that."

"Alright, So you're going to start on the treadmill. I want you to walk ten kilometres. When you have that done, come to my office and we will look at your stats. Don't cheat doctor I will know."

"Alright, sounds good."

"Here, before I go."

He handed me something and I realized it was the keycard and a pair of wireless headphones.

"Working out is pretty boring when you don't have any music to listen to."

"Yeah, it really is, Thanks."

Getting on the treadmill I noticed the tag on the side that said it was compatible with an app for tracking progress. That's how Creed was going to know if I cheated. That was pretty cool, however. Setting everything up on the treadmill I stepped on and configured the headphones to my phone. I popped them in my ears and hit play before hitting the button to start the treadmill.

The pain in my back was a small annoyance but I ignored it as I starting walking. I had forgotten how much I had really enjoyed walking on a treadmill. I had been doing twelve km before, ten shouldn't be that hard for me to get. 

Jamming out to the music in my ears I was having a blast. After about four songs in I paused the walk to peel my sweater off and toss it aside. Starting my walk again was fun. I missed walking so much. This was the time my mind was clear and I felt pretty free. I was so into my walking I hadn't even noticed that Jackson, Cade and Maddox had entered the room. I was only briefly aware of their presence as they walked by and looked at my numbers.

Jackson took the treadmill next to me and started to work out. I was aware he did work out but now I knew exactly where and pretty much when. When I looked over at him he shot me the "we are so going to talk about this later" look before popping in his headphones. Getting back into my focus I continued my walk.

The treadmill beeped at the ten km mark and I hit the ignore button and kept walking. I was no doubt going to be sore later but I was feeling pretty good so I kept going. I hadn't even been paying attention to the numbers. I saw Creed's hand before I saw him. He stopped my run and I pulled out my headphones looking at him.

"When I said walk ten, I meant ten, not eighteen."

"Oh shit, Sorry. I really got into it."

Grabbing my stuff I followed after Creed as he left the gym. I really felt the eighteen km in my legs now that I had stopped.  Glancing at my watch it was pretty clear I had been at it for a few hours. It was ten a.m. I gave Creed back the keycard and he let me have the headphones.

"Go relax. Your legs are going to be sore tomorrow. Day after tomorrow back to walking, and only ten km."

"Alright, got it."

Walking back to Jackson's wing my legs were unhappy and I couldn't blame them. I had overdone it. Once I was back in the wing, I went right to the bathroom and ran a hot bath. Stripping down and getting into the bath was not fun. The water was great though, It felt super amazing on my aching everything.  I laid back and relaxed in the water. When I heard the apartment door shut I knew Jackson was going to flip his lid. He was not happy with me. But then this wasn't his choice it was mine and he couldn't do anything about it.

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