24 - Chapter Twenty-Four - Zev Martin's Point Of View.

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Sitting with Emerson in his kitchen we both found this strange feeling of wanting to be a fly on the wall when Alexi confessed to Creed. According to Emerson, Alexi came to visit him right after he left my office and asked for his view on the whole thing too. I thought that was nice, Alexi trusted us both enough to ask both of our thoughts even though it wasn't our choice or decision in the end.  Emerson didn't say much on the matter other then he would give anything to see the whole conversation. I only hoped that Alexi was able to tell Creed exactly how he was feeling without messing it up and saying something like before when he said love was a weakness. That would be the worst case, But Creed should know how to handle Alexi after this long.

"Do you think he's done it yet?"

"I don't know. I'm just as curious about the event as you are."

"Do you think he will tell him?"

"He was seriously going to tell him when he left my office, he was scared if he didn't that Creed would leave him and he's attached to him now."

"I can understand that."

I just nodded, I could understand that too but there was no need to voice it. Hearing Ares cry Emerson went to pick him up. He was getting so big already. The odd thing was the more time I spent around Ares, the more I wanted a baby of my own, my child. I found myself speaking before I could stop myself.

"I wonder if Jackson would want another child, I want a baby."

"I think you should talk to him about that, I couldn't even begin to know if that's something he's cool with, but it would be really cool, Rosie would love a sibling."

"Yeah. We have never even talked about it, or what he wants in the future."

"Zev, I don't need to tell you to ask him, you know you can so why haven't you?"

"Simple answer is, I've never thought about it honestly."

"That makes sense."

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sitting in the living room Jackson and I watched Tv, Rosie was sleeping already since it was about ten at night. The sound of someone franticly banging on our door made both Jackson and I leap off the couch in surprise. Jackson didn't even hesitate to brandish a weapon as he stalked to the door and threw the thing open. Behind that door stood a very unwell looking Creed his face was white.

"Have you seen Alexi? Is he here?"

"No. Is he ok? Did something happen?"

"He, I, He's gone. He packed a bag and he's gone."

Looking at Creed I felt my eyes go wide, Alexi's gone.

"Did you ask Maddox if he could have sent him somewhere?"

"Maddox doesn't know where he went either."

Grabbing my phone I quickly noticed the message from Alexi himself.

Hey, Sorry, I'm sure by now Creed is throwing some kind of a fit if he found out I'm gone. I'm only going for a few days, there was something I needed to take care of and it couldn't wait, Tell Creed to calm down and I'll explain it to him another time. I didn't have time to explain it before I left, too much to explain then. I'll be back Saturday.

"Alexi says not to worry, he had something important he had to take care of and it couldn't wait."

"How do you know that?"

"He texted me," I said giving Creed the phone.

He looked over the text once and twice before he pulled out his phone, stomping away angrier then I'd ever seen him. He was muttering to himself about killing that fucking little brat the whole time he walked down the hall until he disappeared from our sights.

Whatever it was that made Alexi leave would have to be great for Creed to even think about forgiving him. He was livid. And honestly, I couldn't blame the guy. Here Alexi was worried about Creed leaving and he was the one who pulled the disappearing act with even so much of a note or text to Creed.

I rubbed my forehead as Jackson closed the door the gun being put in another safe spot away from Rosie, not that she would touch it, Jackson taught her all about the dangers of weapons. Jackson's arms wrapped around me as he spoke.

"Do you think Alexi is coming back?"

"He said he would be back Saturday, if he doesn't come back willingly, Creed will drag him back unwillingly. I have no doubts about that."

"Alexi pissed him off this time."

"Yeah, I agree."

Jackson's hands wandered around my hips as he continued talking about a bunch of different things. I didn't care to listen since I was more interested in focusing on what his hands were up to. He suddenly pulled himself away from me and I didn't like that. Waiting a few seconds before I turned around I heard Rosie's door open and I smiled to myself. He went to go check on his daughter, One day I hoped she would be our daughter, one of many. He was such a great father and I respected that. I also loved to see it, It left such a warm feeling in my chest. If I was a woman, I would have given him plenty of children in the time we had known each other.

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