07 - Chapter Seven - Zev Martin's Point Of View.

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When Jackson came back that night three hours later there were no words exchanged. I refused to speak to him. There was going to be no changing his mind. Jackson didn't have a grey or middle zone, It was either black or white, he had chosen the black zone. It was just a matter of time before Nathan would get what they thought he deserved. Here we were the morning after still not talking, I had even gone as far as to sleep on the couch because I refused to be in his space. I could feel his eyes on me as I drank my coffee in silence. The aura flowing off him was dangerous and getting worse by the second.

His fist slammed onto the countertop.
"Goddamn, it Zev speak to me!"
"I would rather not."
"You can't keep acting like-----"
"I will act however I so very well chose, I am my own person and I have my own rights, Besides, I'm older than you. So respect your fucking elders."

Jackson was almost vibrating in anger as he stood there. It was mildly amusing to me to see him lose his shit. He thought he was angry, he hadn't seen a fucking thing yet. He should count his blessing I was smart and remained on my medication for my anger episodes. Though for the first time in a very long time it felt like it wasn't working at all. I felt so angry with him for putting my personal shit on blast like that without my permission. Finishing my coffee, I set the cup on the table and was about to give Jackson a piece of my mind but Rosie came out of her bedroom. She hugged her father before coming over and asking if we were going to Uncle Maddox and Uncle Emerson's.  Making sure she was properly dressed I texted Emerson and told him I would be bringing Rosie over for a bit well Jackson and I have a very long nasty conversion. He didn't mind, He welcomed Rosie as normal when we got to his area. He took Rosie to the living room, bringing Ares back from the living room with him.

"You make sure you give that damn man a piece of your mind Zev, And if you're really in the mood, you make sure you give Maddox a piece of your mind. I don't know anything other then personal information of yours was given without consent and Maddox allowed it. I gave him a piece of my mind when Alexi accidentally mentioned it very early this morning. But are you ok Zev?"
"I will be."
"Stop by later yeah?"
"Of course."

Leaving Emerson's space, I felt just a touch better Emerson gave Maddox a piece of his mind. Jackson was about to get a very heavy serving of my mind, enough to make him choke on it.
When I got back to his area he wasn't there, He had probably headed to his office. Sucks for him that I remembered right where that was. Walking passed Maddox office, he was just leaving and we met eyes for a brief moment and it was just long enough to notice the very prominent black eye he was sporting. I didn't comment on it, I just went on my way down the hall. If Emerson had given him that it was shocking, Emerson wasn't sporting any wounds or bruises. now I definitely understood what he meant when he gave Maddox a piece of his mind.

"Zev! Stop."

Maddox was right behind me. I turned to look at him really giving him a once over. That black eye was really fresh.

"I see you have noticed my punishment for "Being an insensitive asshole."
"Emerson's not wrong."
"He can hit pretty hard."
"You deserve it."
"I'm mildly sorry."
"Are you? For what?"
"I'm sorry for being an insensitive asshole. I shouldn't have participated in Jackson's behaviour."
"Got it. Thank you."
"You're pissed with Jackson?"
"Of course. He shared my personal information and events and you helped. You taunted me with photos from my attacks, That is very uncalled for. Pissed doesn't even touch how livid I actually am with Jackson right now."
"He's Possessive and Jealous, more so now that you want to protect a man who could have killed you. An I just want him dead for the shit he did to you, what if he tries to finish the job?"
"That's not your call to make Maddox, He is getting what they deemed the best thing for him, and he will not make the same mistake."
"It's not me you have to convince of that, Its Jackson. He's on a warpath to make sure that man only sees six-feet underground."
"Goddamn it!"

Turning away from Maddox I walked fastly down the hall to Jackson's Office. He had the door closed but I could hear him talking about Nathan with someone over a phone call. Turning the knob I was surprised the door actually opened. Jackson looked at him his eyes raking over me before he went back to his phone call. Walking over to his desk grabbed the phone right out of his hand before he could react,

"Sorry, Jackson will have to call you back some other time, he's busy."

I hung up his cellphone before slipping it into my back pocket.

"What the hell is your problem?"
"We, as in you an I are going to have a long fucking discussion about last night and you taking that file."
"I'm not discussing----"
"Oh yes, you are. Now shut your damn mouth and listen to what I have to say Jackson Chance, Or by all that is holy, or I will beat you with every inch of anger in my body."
"Shut the fuck up. I mean it."
"Don't you dare----"

I grabbed him right by the tie around his throat. It was only when his hand touched mine that I realized I had his tie wrapped tightly around my hand a few times. I dropped his tie and did my best to pull my anger back in. Anger was something it had an issue with, more so now than ever. Jackson cleared his throat and fixed his tie. I looked Jackson up and down before I spoke.

"I'm absolutely livid with you. If you couldn't tell. This is where you're going to listen to every word I have to say and you're going to decide for you yourself road you would like from here. Understand?"

I didn't wait for him to say anything instead I continued talking.

"You took files out of my office and shared them without my permission to do so. Then you think it is acceptable to kill Nathan, even though he is getting help for his problems and will be just fine. Maybe when I was twenty I would have been ok with him dying by I'm not now. I have learned to move on from my attack and you need to just forget it, It was long before you and it's been dealt with. There no reason to have him killed. And as for you getting jealous or whatever the fuck it was about me protecting him, I'm not going to allow you to kill him. It's not because I'm in love with him or want him. He's already been punished for his crimes."
"He could come after you again? do you really have that much faith in the Jail system? I don't and I don't trust him."
"He's not going to come back. He wants to start a family and a life. He has no interest in me."
"I don't----"
"Jackson here's how things from here on are going to work. If you have him killed I will walk away from all this, Whatever you want with me will be over, I will go home and obliterate every part of you from my life. Think about your decision wisely, I'm not going to allow you to dictate my life, not now, not ever."

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