34 - Chapter Thirty-Four - Zev Martin's Point Of View.

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My phone rang for the hundredth time this week. I wasn't going to pick that thing up. I didn't want to hear Alicia or my parent's voices. An entire week had passed and I was keeping myself far too busy to take any calls or even hear the phone when it rang. Jackosn was pretty annoyed with the sound of my phone ringing that the next time it rang he picked it up. I waited for him to make a face or hang up, something that told me it wasn't a phone call I wanted to take. Instead, he passed me the phone and spoke softly.

"The lady on the phone says she's your older sister Annabeth and needs to speak to you, something about children and the courts."

Sighing I took the phone and brought it to my ear. I didn't want to be pulled into this. But if Beth was calling about it then it was important.

"Don't sigh when you have to talk to me Zev, Little brother or not you would be happy to hear from me."

"Under normal pretenses, I would be Beth, but this isn't normal."

"Ah. So she called you to huh? Gave you the "help me after all I've done for you" speech too?"

"You know it."

"Zev, I didn't even know Alicia had children. She hasn't spoken to me since she turned eighteen."

"Fuck, Beth that's like seven years ago."

"Shit, Zev, I'm thirty-five, I don't need her shit. She had the balls to ask me to help her because she needed help to keep her kids, She shouldn't even have children. That bitch is nothing but evil and a straight-up brat. I don't know how a man would stick his dick in that and make children. Twice."

"Don't ask me, I couldn't tell you how a man would want that."

"Speaking of men, little brother, Who was the man who picked up your phone? are you actually seeing someone? Is he handsome?"

"Beth. My god."

"What! We haven't spoken in months, the least you can do is fill me in about your man meat."

"Jackson is not my man meat."

"Jackson huh? Nice name."

"To answer your questions, yes I am seeing someone, I'm actually living with him and his daughter, and yes, he is handsome."

"Oh! he has a daughter?"

"Yes, Rosie. She's so fucking cute. I adore her."

"That's really good, I'm glad there are other children there."

"Other children? What are you going on about Beth?"

"Yeah... I might have suggested that you be the one to take Alicia's children."


"Well, I can take them, I already have my boys and they are crazy enough, I don't need a newborn and an eighteen-month-old. If anyone needs them it's you. You have always wanted kids. An I know you don't want them to go to a home."

"I would take them if I was offered, but I would need to check with Jackson to make sure they are welcome here, otherwise I would need to go home and make sure it's suitable for babies"

"I knew you would take them.  I faxed all your information to the worker that's looking after Alicia's children, she will call you sometime in the coming days. Also, they had no clue you were even a thing, they contacted me and asked about me fostering the children when said I couldn't but you could they honestly seemed so confused. You did a great job of hiding Zev."

"Wasn't like I was trying."

"Well, I have you on the phone, Do you want to come for Christmas? My boys want to see their uncle and you can bring your new man meat and his daughter of course."

"I'll think about it, Beth. Don't push it, you go crazy around the holidays."

"Alrighty, I'll be in touch, bye bye little brother."

Hanging up the phone, I pinched my nose. Of course. Beth couldn't take the kids and this I knew. I was the only one who could if they were going to stay in the family. Our parents wouldn't and that was pretty clear. They hated kids. 

Beth was right to recommend me for the position. I knew a lot about children and how they functioned and worse comes to worst I had Jackson for some help. I had to figure out how to tell Jackson before I agreed to this, however.

Setting my phone down on the arm of the couch I tried to figure out how to tell Jackson about all this. Surely he would understand, or I hoped he would. Laying out on the couch I wondered what I was going to be getting myself into if I did take Alicia's children. Surely there would be some kind of legal and battle that would be costly and annoying. Thank god I was smart with the money I had and just saved it for another time.

I closed my eyes and stretched out my legs. Creed had worked them good today. He added weight of gear to my walk and made me walk uphill on the treadmill. The man was a monster, but I was defiantly going to be fitter by the end of this. After it all, I might even be able to take on Jackson though I kind of doubted it.

I woke up to Rosie sometime later, she had shaken me awake with the biggest smile on her face. 

"Daddy made pizza and he told me to wake you up."

"Oh, I love pizza."

"Who doesn't."

"Very right you are princess!"

"I'm not a princess today! I'm a knight!"

"Oh really?"


"How brave of you, strong knight!"

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