41 - Chapter Forty-One - Zev Martin's Point Of View.

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Today was the day I was dreading quite deeply. By the end of today, someone would have custody of my nieces. Hopefully, it would be us. The court session didn't start until twelve but Jackson and I wanted to be there early. Getting up, Rosie was already up and gone. Jackson had left me a note saying he would be back at ten thirty am and then we would go grab food before the court session started and not to worry about Rosie, she was spending the day with Maddox and Ares. Grabbing a cup of coffee, I poured a little creamer in it and stirred it before taking a sip. It was like heaven on my tongue and I really enjoyed it.

I signed deeply as I set my coffee down on the table. This whole day was going to be very stressful for me. Thank goodness for Jackson being there for me.

After finishing my coffee, I went and got dressed. I picked out a pair of dress pants and one of the many expensive blazers that Jackson had bought me after complaining I dressed like an old man. I also had a massive collection of cashmere sweaters he bought on a whim. I was pretty sure I had never had so many pairs of name-brand underwear in my entire life.

I heard Jackson come inside. I also heard him sigh deeply.

Leaving the bedroom I turned and looked at Jackson in the doorway.

"Are you ok Honey?"

He looked at me, his eyes taking all of me in. The smile on his face told me he liked what he saw.

"I'm ok now."

"Good. That makes me feel better."

Jackson walked over and hugged me before he kissed me deeply.

"No matter what happens today Zev, You will always have a place in our home. After all, My home is wherever you and our daughter is."

"That is exactly how I also feel. There's no way I would walk away from you. You're stuck with me, Mr.Chance."

"I don't think I honestly tell you this enough, but I love you."

"I love you too Jackson. More than words express."

I heard my phone ringing from the bedroom and I pulled myself out of Jackson's arms to go answer it. The phone was still ringing when I picked it up and pushed talk.

"DR. Zev Martin speaking, How can I help you?"

"Hello Dr.Martin, This is Torri from Children's Welfare, We are just double checking you have the court date and will be in attendance this afternoon."

"Yes, We have the court date and the time, We will be in attendance this afternoon."

"Glad to hear. We will see you then."

Before I could say anything more she hung up on me. I tucked my phone into my pocket after hanging up and double-checked I had everything I needed. Jackson also made sure he had everything before we headed out. As we got in the car he chuckled at me.

"Thought you said you wouldn't wear the new boots."

I looked at him, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Hey, they looked good with the blazer, and they match. They also are the absolute most comfortable dress shoes or boots I have so."

"I bought them for you to wear, So I'm glad you like them."

"I do like them, but I still hate when you buy me things."

"It's my job to shower you in gifts."

"You really don't have to. I make enough money if I needed them I would buy them."

We pulled into a little Italian family-owned dinner.

"You're going to adore the food here."

"It already smells so good outside Jackson."

Jackson and I went inside. We barely made it through the door and someone was yelling in Italian at us. Or rather Jackson. Jackson addressed the yelling by yelling back in Italian. Out of nowhere a small round ash, blond hair lady came briskly walking. She stopped at Jackson and gave the man a full bear hug. Once she let him go she saw me. She spoke so fast in Italian to Jackson I could hardly hear individual words. It was a wonder he could understand her.

"Zev, This is Nonna."

"Pleasure to meet------"

She hugged me, very tightly.

"Pleasure is all mine." She said smiling at us.

Jackson, Exchanged a few more words in Italian. Before they switched back to English.

"Jackson, I know what you want. But your lover?"

"Nonna, Two of what I order."

"Ah, Man of my own heart."

The women disappeared. Jackson pulled us to a booth where he rubbed the back of his neck before he spoke to me.

"She lectured me about not visiting. But also about having a lover and not bringing her Rosie."

"Oh really? She's not scared to lecture a mafia man?"

"Pfft, She would turn me over her knee and spank my ass still if doing so wouldn't throw her back out."

"Sounds about right."

Jackson explained that Nonna was Alexi's grandmother and that he hardly comes to visit her. But All the rest of them did, even Cade and Maddox.

Very soon two panini's were placed on our table and marinara sauce and a tall glass of sparkling orange-scented something. It all smelled so good. Jackson was right about saying the food smelled as good as it tasted.

"Enjoy your meal guys, Jackson, Tell my Grandson to visit. I haven't seen him in a while."

"Of course Nonna, Ill tell him as soon as we're back at the house."

With that, she walked away speaking in Italian.

The food was absolutely the best thing I had put in my mouth in a long time. You could tell it was made with so much love. I was definitely going to have Jackson bring me back here again. We really didn't have much time to sit down and enjoy our meal entirely. We ate pretty quickly and I felt bad we had to just eat and dash.

"Just let me pay and we will go," Jackson said standing up. I pulled out my wallet and shoved a fifty-dollar bill in his hand. He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Meal and a tip. I've got this."

Well, he walked away and I overhead yelling in Italian, I cleaned the table piling all our dishes in neat order and stacking our two glasses so they were easy to pick up. Jackson returned the fifty in his hand. Right behind him was Nonna.

"No, No pay. The meal is on me. The boys know this, They always leave way too much."

She walked away again after taking our stack of plates. I watched as Jackson tucked the fifty under the two glasses and all but dragged me out of the dinner. We hurried back to the car and we both laughed as we sat there for a moment. 

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