Chapter 3 [edited]

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Alisha sat in Professor Snape's office, bored out of her mind. After what seemed like an eternity to the girl, Snape entered, a nasty look present on his face.

"Professor McGonagall has informed me that you not only threatened a student, but also punched them. Care to explain, Ms. Norman?" he drawled. Alisha sat up straighter, but the blank look on her face remained the same.

"He called Emma a mudblood," she said. Professor Snape let out a heavy breath as he sat down at his desk. "That doesn't mean you can punch him," he grumbled. Alisha nodded, just wanting their confrontation to be over.

"You and Mr. Malfoy will both have detention tonight. Come to the Potions classroom as soon as dinner ends, Ms. Norman," Snape finished. He flicked his hand towards the door, a sign of dismissal. Alisha stood up swiftly, slipping out of the dark office.

As she made her way down the hallway, everyone cheered for her. She laughed slightly, shaking her head.

"GO ALISHA!" a Hufflepuff boy yelled.

Alisha's laughter and excitement was short-lived. A short lady, dressed from head to toe in pink, stood in front of her, a creepy smile on her face.

"Well, Ms. Norman. I was informed of your act of violence this morning. I shall see you in my office this evening for your detention," she squeaked.

"I already have detention with Professor Snape," Alisha answered. Umbridge giggled, making Alisha cringe slightly.

"You will attend my detention period at 5 PM, and then you will go to Professor Snape's office at 7," Umbridge stated. The short woman walked away, flicking her wand here and there. Alisha let out a heavy breath of annoyance as she made her way to class.


"Alisha Reign Norman!" Emma exclaimed during their lunch period. Alisha had opted to sit outside near the Whomping Willow rather than eat in the Great Hall.

"Emma Kennedy Lukasiak!" Alisha mocked. Emma groaned, plopping down next to her best friend. "You're an absolute idiot! Why would you actually punch him?" she asked. Alisha shrugged, picking a wildflower out of the grass.

"He insulted you. I'm not just going to stand there and let him get away with him. Malfoy's an entitled little brat," Alisha grumbled. Emma let out an exasperated sigh, laying her head on Alisha's shoulder.

"He is, isn't he?"

The two best friends burst into laughter.

"Hey, are you sure you don't want anything to eat? You didn't eat breakfast today, and now you're skipping lunch," Emma said. Alisha's smile dropped, but she quickly plastered a fake smile back on her face.

"I'm alright. Just not hungry."


Alisha knocked on the door to Umbridge's office at 5 PM sharp. The short woman opened the door for her with a small but wicked smile on her face. Alisha's face was completely blank of expression as she took a seat.

"You'll be doing lines. You must write 'violence is never the answer.' I have provided a quill for you," Umbridge stated. Alisha nodded, picking up the quill.

"There's no ink," she mumbled. Umbridge smiled.

"You won't be needing any."

Alisha furrowed her eyebrows, but started to write anyway. As she carefully wrote 'violence is never the answer' over and over again, a searing pain shot through her hand. Alisha pushed the sleeve of her robe up, spotting the exact words she had just written now etched into her hand. She glanced up at Umbridge, who looked at her mischievously as she sipped her tea. Alisha took a shaky breath, continuing to write.

Her eyes pricked with tears, wanting nothing more than for her detention to be over.

"You may go now, Ms. Norman," Umbridge squeaked. Alisha nodded, grabbing her bag quickly. She made her way out of the nasty woman's office as fast as she could. Once she was far enough away, she let the tears fall, bringing her hand up to look at it once more. Alisha wiped her tears away, making her way to Professor Snape's classroom.

She entered the dark classroom to find Draco already there. Professor Snape looked in her direction, acknowledging her presence.

"You will be scrubbing cauldrons. No magic," he practically growled. Snape left the classroom, his black robes billowing behind him. Alisha got to work on a small cauldron, scrubbing it with one hand. Draco looked at her suspiciously as he started on his own cauldron.

"It'd be a lot faster if you used both of your hands," he spat. Alisha ignored him as she continued to clean the cauldron. Draco rolled his eyes as he finished up the cauldron he was working on. He set it down in the corner of the room before making his way towards Alisha. He glanced at her quickly as he picked up another cauldron. Alisha's arm hung limp at her side, making him narrow his eyes. Before Alisha could comprehend what was happening, Draco grabbed her arm. She shrieked as he rolled up her sleeve.

Draco let out an audible gasp at the horrid scab that was forming over her tender skin. Alisha yanked her arm away from his iron grip, glaring daggers at him.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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Stay cool, Anika<3

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