Chapter 23

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"You have to run, Cole!"

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"You have to run, Cole!"

"It's raining! I'll get wet!"

"Just do it! You wouldn't want those bullies to catch up with you!"

Simmered with mists of fear, the twelve year old Cole Lancer sprints as the sky's tears start to roll down on his skin. He shivers on his way, each step of his wobbling feet gets rewarded with an erratic splash that seeps into his clothes. He doesn't mind.

With the slow build up of pace, it doesn't take too long before he gets himself soaked in the chilling rain. The weather threatens his endurance.
No matter how hard he tries to run faster, the only thing that it does is exhaust him. His knees are cut up at this point.

A few more steps and he will be able to catch up with his friend, and so he clamps his teeth and clenches his hand, hoping to close the distance. His breathing, although shallow, constantly helps in synchronizing the movements of his arms and legs. His nails are dug deep on his palms. He knows he's going to make it. He's going for it. He draws all his strength and goes all out but a realization hits him. Something prompts his body to stop in the middle of the street. To stand undisturbed under the flowing blanket of water.

"What's wrong?!" his friend calls out, teeth chattering from the frigid breeze.

Cole looks up.

"My pod, I forgot my pod. I need to go back in the classroom..."


The rain starts to drill down on the ground. It's getting heavier and heavier. Each drop pierces through the thin stitches of their uniforms. Cole is torn between going back or running away. He stands there, freezing. Thinking.

"But my's important, Drei," he contemplates.

Drei is Cole's best friend. They've been best buddies since their second grade. Upon discovering that Drei shares the same love for music, they have instantly felt a deep connection with each other. Contrary of Cole's personality, Drei is an outstanding and confident student. He isn't afraid of voicing out what he desires or opposing people to stand for his beliefs. He just do it for fun. Drei is the only one who's persistent enough to pursue Cole's almost unaccessible vault of emotions—the deepest part of his thoughts where he hides his trust and affection. Giving his trust means giving his best friend a part of himself. To connect. To bond. And so he holds on that friendship with all of his life.

"Cole! Let's go already!" Drei yells. "They're coming!"

He looks over his shoulder and sees the group of four kids from their class. Consisting of three boys and one little girl, their glares fall upon the sight of Cole and his bestfriend. Cole's eyes widen, allowing the water to completely obscure the world around him. He finds himself slowly losing his balance as he attempts to run away. As though tangled in an imaginary rope, he teeters on the cold hard ground.

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