Chapter 17

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The judgment day has come

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The judgment day has come.

All those sleepless nights and frustrated mornings lead up to this very day. It's here. In this very moment. This year's genetic inspection has finally arrived.

For the past few weeks, we've spent most of our time testing and experimenting with our plan in a very deliberate manner. That includes plotting our course of actions and changing some details that may go haywire. The stinging anticipation clogged in our veins hardly allows us to sleep peacefully last night. That's why we've kept our shit together until the morning sun climbs up on the horizon.

As I look around, I notice that everyone seems to be holding a fair slice of nervousness as they pace back and fourth across the rooms. Even I, myself, is constantly contemplating and pondering. Battling my own inner struggles just like the rest of them. This is our only chance so the pressure is absolutely high. We have no room for any mistake.

Before officially commencing our phase one, Alynne positions herself on the rooftop to deploy her own little drone. It will come in handy later. Meanwhile, Chester is on his feet, sweating and out of breath, keeping his shape well-toned with some intense aerobics led by Harvey. While they're busy minding their own business, by the windowsill, I stand confidently and lay my eyes on the giant walls from afar. The mere idea of being on the other side eases up the tension in my chest.

This is the start, I say in my head. One city at a time and I'll be home soon, mama and papa. Wait for me.

"Mind if I join you?"

I whip my head and there's Morgana in black strapless suit which seems to fit her body like a glove. Her clothing has been layered with a black meshed cloth that rides smoothly on her bold curves, and a pair of stiletto to finish her entire banger attire. Still early yet geared already. That's Morgana for you.

"Are you ready?" she asks.

"I don't know. Are you?"

"Hey, I asked you first."

"Fine," I snort. "A little nervous. How about you? You look so calm."

She lets out a low, supressed laugh, "Oh, I wish. I'm stressed just like you. I was up all night thinking if we could actually pull it off."

"We can't. That's for sure," I say, putting up a tremulous smile.

"Wow, thanks for the motivation."

"Nah, I'm just trying to mess with you. But here's the thing, whether it works or not, we will make it happen no matter what it takes."

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