The Pen and the Sword

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"Poetry, my son, is power. They say that to look upon an Angel's true beauty is to burn out your eyes and wheep with a raw, bittersweet emotion that cannot be described in human words.

"Poetry is the closest mankind can get to replicating that feeling. It is to thrust your beating heart into the minds of the reader and squeeze it tight until they can bear the pain no longer. It is to tear the fabric of lies and illusion from the harsh white light of life until only truth shines through in all of its fire and passion.

"A sight that can never be seen; a sound that can never be heard; a feeling that can never be felt; words that can never be spoken - not because they can't, but because they shouldn't.

"Poetry reveals all that shouldn't be known.

"My son: your mind is filled with wonder. Everywhere you look, you see something new that you don't understand, that you can't put into words.

"Let the feeling of wonder and hopelessness flow through your veins and pour through the open wound and onto the parchment under your gaze. Let your sorrow fall in vicious rivers of torment and torture and glide across the lines of curved lettering. Let your joy ring from golden bells and glint off your teeth and bounce off the wet ink as it flows from your pen.

"The poet is the closest connection to the Angels, despite what the men in black fabric and white collars say. The poet is the ambassador - the voice of the people, begging the Angels to cast their gaze upon us. The poet is also the voice that says 'We are strong. We are powerful. We are independent.'

"Sometimes, my son... the pen is mightier than the sword.

"And you are free to choose the weapon you wield."

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