Fear of the Stars

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"Why do you fear the stars?"

He glanced at the boy sitting next to him. The stars in question lit his red hair until it shone like the fire in his eyes.

"I fear the stars because they fear me. People do dangerous things when they are afraid. It is a constant war. They take those I love, and I pick out their constellations, one by one.

"Their blood falls in meteors upon my shoulders. The years go by, weighing me down. It becomes harder and harder to get out of bed every morning.

"Facing the stars that burn my eyes reminds me I am minuscule. A dust particle flying in space, a million miles per hour, hurtling into inescapable fiery doom.

"But I have to keep going. I know that every time I rise up to the sky once more, their resolve flickers ever so dimmer. It has taken years to work them down this dark. Lifetimes.

"I'm not sure I'll be able to live once I'm satisfied they fade into the darkness enough. I'm not sure I'll ever feel satisfied."

Though a mere stranger, the other boy's eyes glistened with tears, but he kept them hidden. Instead, he pulled up his hood and fell back into the shadows.

"Do not fear them. Rejoice with them. They have fought the same war you have. Let them live as you wish to. After all," the voice whispered by his ear. He turned, but nothing was there, only the darkness of an alleyway at night from above, and the scratchy bricks of the far wall. "They are winning. The pockmarks will become crater holes. Then you will fade away. Do not let them fool you."

The wind breathed over his hand, a caress anchoring him down. He sighed, staring back up at the stars, letting the wind carry his breath to the boy's shadow behind his shoulder.

"Your loved ones are not taken. They are not gone. They are among those you wear down. They are among those you try to forget by forcing them into the background of the picture. Do not push them away.

"If you choose to take the path of satisfaction, your pockmarks will not fade. They will remind you, as you said, of the hardships you faced to reach your destination.

"The stars will still burn as bright as they did on the last night of war. They will not burn any brighter, unless you learn to accept their beauty. They may never forgive you. But at least you will learn to live with the pain, since you will not be alone.

"You showed promise today. By telling me, indulging me in your darkest secrets, you helped me understand. This is the first step to life. Before this, struggled to open your eyes.

"Now cracked, meer slivers of light filter between your lashes. But you can see. You now know what you've done. A little more sight, and you will know how to fix it. Open them all the way, and you will learn to live."


The boy glowed a little brighter. Enough for the stars above to glance down, flickering and glimmering.

"Thank you."

He glanced behind him at the shadow, silver tears dripping off his nose. They land in a puddle on the roof, rippling the surface. A few slid down to the ground, shining, unable to stay with the growing weight.

"I will remember your words for all my days."

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