🟥 Pompeii

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Mommy, look! There's snow! Snow!

Why is the snow gray, mommy?

Why is it warm?

Why is it hot?

Why does it burn my skin, mommy?

There's so much! It's covering me!

Why is there smoke? Why can't I stop coughing?

Such strange snow, mommy.

Look at the mountain!

Look at Mount Vesuvius!

I don't want to go inside, mommy, I want to play in the snow.

The snow hurts, mommy.

What is that? That blackness?

It's coming down the street, mommy.

It looks like dark, thick water.

It's red!

Why is it covering the streets?

Can I go play in it?

I'll stop coughing, I promise.

There's rocks in the sky, mommy.

That one's really big!

Look at--

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