🟨 Warehouse

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My sneakers pound on the cement. I breath in ragged gasps that tear my lungs to shreds. I resist the urge to look behind me as I run. Tears are dragged out of my eyes. I try desperately to blink them away.

The warehouse is much bigger than I thought it was. Boxes fly by as I pass them. Beams and posts do, too. The doorway at the far end doesn't seem to get any closer.

My chest and legs burn, so, so bad. I keep running. I start to develop a limp, but I keep running. Claws seem to tear at my lungs from the inside, ruthless and hungry.

Shadows leap and flicker at me. I hear no noises not made by me. No noises, save for the footsteps.

Step, step, step.

I run fast, pounding and limping. I run as fast as I can. But the footsteps don't speed up. They walk, but never fall any farther behind. I can hear them.

Step, step, step.

So close.

Step, step, step.

Is the door farther away?

Step, step, step.

I can almost hear soft breathing. The hair on the back of my neck stands on end.

Step, step, step.

At my heels.

Step, step.

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