Deception and Decay Part 3

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Mirko's paralysis had worn off, only finding out when she cheered at Izuku's appearance because she had raised her arm up after his slobber knocker punch. The impact had sent Stain flying, but he had recovered in mid-air, having kicked back on the wall before he crashed into it, landing on the ground. He held his face, nursing the wound to his pride. He was the one who struck without those being aware of his presence until it was too late, and yet here was some student who got the jump on him.  

"Oi, I can move again!" Mirko hopped to her feet, pumped to get into the fight, except there was a hand on her shoulder. Izuku held her back.

"Take care of Momo." That was all he said before walking ahead of her to take on the battle with Stain.

As Midoriya and Stain stared each other down, Rumi noticed her little brother's posture. His hands were in his pockets and his eyes were hidden. 'He's keeping his fists restrained and averting his eyes purposely.'

She realized how pissed off he was and decided to let him handle it himself. She ran over to Momo and slung her over her shoulder. "Oi, his quirk involves paralyzing, I don't know how it works but it happened after he cut me. And don't worry about her, the wounds aren't deep." She lied about the last part but right now she didn't need Izuku distracted. She would concern herself with Momo. Mirko even mumbled praise to the passed out girl. "You were scared but didn't hesitate. You're going to be a great hero, I'll make sure of it."

He nodded, appreciating the information, pretending he didn't hear the words of encouragement Rumi gave Momo. "As long as I don't get cut I don't have to worry about how his quirk works." He glanced back one more time to Momo before focusing all his attention on Stain.

Mirko made sure she had a firm grip on Momo. Once she was assured, she squatted down before leaping, attempting to leave the back alley by air.

"There is no escape for false idols like you, the promiscuous Lunar Bunny!" Stain had leapt after her, running up a wall and then jumping again, getting close to her.

Rumi glared back at him."Oi, did you-"

"Did you just call my sis a slut?!" Izuku, out of nowhere, had transmitted in between Mirko and Stain. It was the first time Stain was able to get a good look at Izuku's face.

And it was contorted in anger.

Although, Stain did not hesitate, and sliced, attacking him. Izuku had flipped up and over the strike. Being above Stain facing down at him, Izuku gave a brutal twisting kick, slamming his red shoe into him, hurdling Stain through the alley.   

"I don't give a damn about your hero-killing ideology but I won't forgive you hurting and insulting the women in my life..!"

Koichi was speeding down the street, still desperately evading random objects that were being thrown at him. "Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming!" He sang, or more so, yelled to himself and Eri in panic. The little girl strapped to his back was simply giggling along, thinking it was a faster version of the game they were playing earlier. "Yeah, everything is alright, just don't look back, okay!"

In the sky, Tenko had been staring at his grandmother, nothing but shock etched in his eyes. Nana Shimura extended her hand out, gracing his face with her fingers before cupping his cheek. She titled her head with a faded smile. "Tomura..." 

His orbs grew vivid in that moment, letting himself be vulnerable.

She struck him with her other fist sending him crashing down into the street. She remained in the sky, floating as she looked on. Tenko didn't even feel the pain of the attack. He easily picked himself up from the ground, staring back up at her. She let out a sigh before deciding to leave.

It was his eyes, they remained unchanged and wide. He couldn't stop himself this time, he helplessly scratched at his itchy neck, staring up at where she had been in the sky. "What did they do to her?!" He couldn't stop the irritation, almost peeling the skin away. He wasn't even aware of the flying objects barreling his way. He did notice the cloak Nana had on earlier, had fallen beside him.       

But as he was losing himself to frustration, Koichi came speeding past him begging for help. Yet, what got his attention was Eri, she was staring directly into his eyes with a blank expression, as if not knowing how to react to this side of her big brother, Tenko Shimura.   

And they sped past him.

Shigaraki's eyes were shadowed as he straightened himself out, no longer scratching himself. The magician also known as Mr. Compress was hopping over Tomura. The magician was uncompressing objects with his quirk in mid-air, using them as platforms to get through as he threw and uncompressed objects at Koichi. A cloak suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his view. "Wait, doesn't that belong to Ms-" He couldn't finish because he felt a shadow loom over him and turned around to face it.

It was Tomura Shigaraki. He only said, "I don't want Eri to see..."

Mr. compress tried to free himself but the both of them became tangled inside the cloak.  

His finger lunged out, all ten of them striking like a snake, curling around his neck, squeezing until it crumpled into itself like a wet sandcastle.

The cloak landed on the street with a thud. Koichi had stopped skating when he noticed that objects had stopped coming at him. He turned around and headed back. He returned seeing the cloak, something was shuffling inside of it. He gulped as it started to come out. Eri also peeked with her eyes, staring intently.

And this time, it was Tenko Shimura that emerged, giving them a light-hearted smile, as Mr. Compress was nowhere to be seen. 

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