Decomposition And Recomposition Part 2

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It is said that heroes are born usually during times of crisis where they rise to the challenge. When asked about this, the heroes usually says, "My body acted without thinking, as if knowing what was right before I did."

However, this was not the case for Izuku Midoriya, in this moment, he saw himself in Eri when he was a child. Someone who was terrified, not knowing who to run too. It wasn't Izuku's body that reacted, it was his anger!

Except Izuku knew he had All-Might who watched over him. And so in this moment, yes this moment, Young Midoriya had decided he would watch over her!

Kai Chisaki was sent flying through the alley, crashing into a pile of bags and boxes. He coughed out and wheezed as he rolled over. 'I'm only alive cause I was able to slip my glove off as he hit me. I fixed myself before I could pass out and die. It still hurt like hell!' He coughed out spit but it didn't escape the mask and it irritated him causing more hives to grow. He stood up, trying to breathe evenly. He slowly began walking back to the student who just attacked him. "Oi, you are students of U.A. right? The hero school. I recognize that uniform. Didn't they teach you to assess the situation before acting, not only that but to use force to suppress not to eliminate. Seriously, kids these days. Give her back and I'll forget any of this happened."

"S-Something's wrong. You just had a hole put into your chest and you don't care not only that but it's not there anymore, how'd you survive?" Hitoshi had run and curled Eri into a protective hug as soon as Izuku hit the stranger. He was slowly back peddling with anxiety.

"Are you deaf, I said give her back." His irritation peaking.

But he responded. Shinso smirked. "Got you. Now, tell us what have you been doing to this child." His eyes were hidden. "She's covered in bandages."

Chisaki's eyes were wide realizing that his lips were opening and he was about to spill everything he had worked towards, to some random students! 'That must be that damn kid's quirk! I have to stop myself from talking... I have to!' "Ever since I found out about her quirk's nature, I've been experimen-" His remaining glove suddenly erupted, flying everywhere like sharp shards.

Izuku's eyes widened. "Watch out!"

Shinso shielded Eri while Izuku shielded them, standing in front of them with his arms wide, taking the brunt of the force. "Even if it was a glove, it felt like glass." Izuku was cut up but he glanced back, the little girl was fine. "Take her and get to my place, my gramps should be there, explain everything to him. He should be able to take care of it and get heroes here faster than if we called the cops, but just in case do that as you go."

Shinso was cut up a little, glancing up at Midoriya. "Wh-What but if I use my quirk-"

"He already figured out how to stop its effect, even he doesn't know how it's triggered he'll definitely be more cautious. You need to move. His quirk has to be dangerous, he was able to heal his own wound and exploded the glove. I'll stay here and stop him. You get her to safety."

"Oi but you just said so yourself, his quirk is dangerous. You don't even have one, how do you expect to-"


His eyes widened. He scooped up Eri and started running out of the alley. 'Shit, he keeps asking me why I'm not in the hero course and yet, here he is being a hero!' Shinso sprinted down with Eri in his arms. They had walked each other home a few times now so he knew where his apartment was and knew it was close by. 'As long as I can get out of here..!'

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