Chapter 94 - The Lip-synching Incident

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"Whether or not I am accusing her, you at Skyart Entertainment should know best." That man said loudly. "I used to be Ye Xingling's fan and had snuck backstage just now wanting to wait for Ye Xingling to come offstage to get her signature. Who would have thought that I would see a Skyart Entertainment staff chasing away the audio mixer and other staff? I was curious and went closer to eavesdrop on their conversation — I heard them say that they were going to play audio that had been pre-recorded! Ye Xingling would only need to lip-synch on stage!"

He looked at Xia Ling with a pained expression on his face. "I'm so disappointed for considering you to be my idol. How could you do such a thing?"

Xia Ling secretly gave 32 Likes in her heart for this man's performance, he could almost match Xia Yu as the best actor. She felt like she was watching a court jester. She remained quiet.

Sister Mai Na opened her mouth to speak. "Don't speak rubbish. What evidence do you have? Take it out for us to see."

That man took out his handphone and handed it to the emcee. "I was too shocked and could not resist but record a short video. In the music mixing room backstage there is only Skyart Entertainment staff and no other outsiders. This is the evidence. However, I was afraid of being found out by Skyart Entertainment when I was filming this, so I did not dare to get too close. As such, I was unable to record their conversation."

"A video is already able to say a lot." The emcee responded, clearly hinting that there was a problem. She brought up the video recorded in the phone and projected it on the big screen. As expected, the mixing room was only occupied by Skyart Entertainment staff, and the surroundings were heavily guarded by Skyart Entertainment staff as well.

The entire stadium buzzed with commotion again. It couldn't be, that voice that they had been so riveted by earlier was lip-synched?!

"I was just saying that Ye Xingling couldn't possibly sing so well. No wonder, she lip-synched." Some said.

"Exactly, what rubbish about her voice being in bad condition. I think she just could not beat Xia Yu with her voice, so she found an excuse to lip-synch."

"Where is Ye Xingling's career ethic?!"

Many were criticizing her angrily. She had cheated them of their feelings!

"Skyart Entertainment staff did indeed use the mixing room." Sister Mai Na's icy voice rang out clearly. "This is because Xiao Ling's song is very unique, and she needs to be accompanied by the audio mixing master that had worked with her for a long time. This gentleman over here, you claim to have overhead staff discussing lip-synching, but I can tell you now that that is impossible. If you insist, point out the few staff that you saw right now!"

"I... " That man did not expect Sister Mai Na to press him like that and did not know what to say. "It was too messy. I didn't manage to see them clearly."

Sister Mai Na gave a cold laugh. "If you accuse someone falsely, and cause a negative impact to them, you could be sued."

"Sister Mai Na, please do not threaten the audience." The emcee stood forward to defend the man speedily.

Sister Mai Na laugh became even colder. "Threaten? Who is being a threat right now?! Someone is slandering Xiao Ling of lip-synching, and I, as her manager, cannot even defend her?"

The emcee was speechless.

Xiao Yu softly said, "Sister Mai Na, don't be angry, I'm sure anyone that was in such a situation would be unhappy. However, Ye Xingling has not spoken a single word till now, it is inevitable that there could be a misunderstanding. Perhaps everyone thought that since her throat was in bad condition, she had no choice but to lip-synch today, that's all."

She had an innocent smile on her face as she continued, "Sister Mai Na, isn't it really simple to prove Ye Xingling's innocence? She just needs to open her mouth and say something now. If she can produce a sound it would prove that she did not need to lip-synch, right?"

Ye Xingling, if you can't make a sound now, it will just prove that you have indeed lip-synched!

"Exactly! She just needs to say something, how much burden can that put on her voice?" The emcee fanned the flames from the side.

Sister Mai Na frowned to show her displeasure. "Even if Xiao Ling opened her mouth to speak right now, you would still come up with other reasons to throw shade at her and say that she lip-synched."

"No, no, we definitely won't." Xia Yu was in a very good mood. "Sister Mai Na, don't say anything more, just get Ye Xingling to open her mouth and speak. I will definitely believe that she sang the song live. It's only suspicious because she hasn't said anything."

"Does she really need to speak?"

"Yes, she does!"

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