I like you a lot pt 2

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Monique's POV

I wake to the smell of candles. I know Andre did not leave with candles burning.

I get up to check on Danny, but he'd not in his room. Panic sets in, but I stay calm. I'm naked, but I have quick debate.

Put a robe on!
Put a god damn robe on!

I go to put a robe on and resume my journey to the kitchen where I cook myself some pancakes.

Sitting at the table, I notice a note.

I'll be back, have on something fancy but easy to take off.

I laugh out loud. Wow. Andre and Daniel walk in with smiles on their faces.

"Hi mom!" Daniel runs to hug me.

"Hi Danny. What's up?"

"Nothing. About to watch a movie."

"Okay. Have fun." He sits on the couch with a bag of snacks.

"Hi." Andre speaks.

"Hello." I don't know what it is, but something pulls me closer to him to where we're chest to chest.

"Did you enjoy your candles and breakfast?"

"Breakfast. Yes. Candles. I could have been burned alive with where you have them placed."


"Be careful."

We stand the in awkward silence. "So are you going to get dressed or do I have to dress you?"

Andre's POV

The look in her eyes makes me laugh.

"You wouldn't dare."

"You darn toot'n I would or I'd literally watch you get dressed from scratch."

"Really?" Disbelief is written on her face.

"Yes ma'am. I got nothing to do."

"Danny, mommy is gonna be back."

"Have fun!"

As Monique goes to the room, I follow, slapping her ass.

"Stop hitting my mom on the a.... the behind."

Monique starts taking out outfits and clothes.

"Which outfit?"

There's a blue romper, a black dress, a black leather pants set, with many more items to choose from.

"Which one do you like?"

I swallow really hard. "Can I do some things to you when we're back?"


"The black leather." She smiles, pulling me closer then pushing me away."

"Right. See ya soon." I go where Danny is to find him straightening his tie.

"Where are you going?"

"You think I'm gonna miss this moment in my life?" He smiles at me.

"What moment is that?"

"You're gonna ask my mom out, take her to a restaurant, tell her how much you like her, ask if she wants to date you. If she says yes we're going to have fun, but if she says no. We'll just be here in your house for as long as needed."

This little boy is something else.

"She's gonna ask me what I think as well."

"What is that?"

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