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Monique's POV

Andre wakes me by kissing me. "Rise and shine bootiful!"

The doorbell rings, so Andre prompts me to get it. "Take your sexy ass on now, before we wake the kids up together."

Oh boy....

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Nobody!" Ashley sings. I open the door for her.

"Y'all asses stood us up huh?"

"If only you knew...." I sing.

"Anyway, go put some nice clothes on so we can go show these people who not to fuck with." I laugh.

Andre comes down stairs with no shirt on and his boxers hanging dangerously low.

I rush to cover his body.

"What are you doing bae?"

"Shielding your V-line from public view." He laughs, smacking me on the ass.

"Anyway, you two have fun today." Just like that he's gone with his pants, jacket, and outfit in his hands.

Weird ass. I think.

"Did you just call me a weird ass?"

I'm looking at my best friend now.

One last kiss and he's gone for real.

"Mommy, where's daddy going with no clothes?" Diamond asks.

"I don't know."

"Well, who is this pretty girl?"

"This is Diamond."

Andre's POV

Monique has no idea what happening.  I found the place her parents are buried at, so that's where I'm going now.

"Hey um Monique's parents. I'm going to propose to your daughter today and I promise to always love her. Just wanted to stop by to say that I'm sorry you both couldn't see this day physically. Your daughter is amazing. I can tell that you two would've been the ideal parents for her. Thanks for creating her and I hope we make you proud."

After saying that, I place flowers on their tomb stones and get ready to leave, but get stopped by someone visiting them too.

"I heard what you said and they would love nothing more than someone like you to marry her."

"You are...."

"I'm her brother. I know her, but she doesn't know me. I was away at war  and had no idea I had a sister until it was too late. N.y name is David by the way. "

"How old are you?"

"I'm 27." I size him up and make sure he ain't playing. He got the wrong thug.

After standing there with him I give in. "Aiight. I'm gonna let you follow me to the house, wait. You got proof she's your sister?"

He pulls out a piece of paper showing me results of a DNA test he took.

"Aiight bet, follow me." The papers he showed me was sent to him today. Wer make it to the house.

Monique and Daniel are making a mess baking cookies. Wow.

"We have a visitor." I say.

"Good. Tell them to join us."

Her brother clears his throat, causing her and Daniel to stop and turn around.

"Where's my daughter?"

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