I don't want anything to do with it: (Diamond)

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Andre's POV

I get a call from Diamond's mother at four in the morning. I look at the angel laying beside me then get up to talk to Monica quietly. I turn on a audio recorder.


"Hey baby daddy."

"Stop with the bullshit, Monica, I'm not her father and you knew that."

"I did. I thought you were dumb if I can be honest."

"It's clear that you give two shits about your daughter."

"Honestly, I don't." I'm glad I am recording her ass.

"What did she eat when she was with you?"


"S- she she had good food."

"Another lie. If she ate good food, why was she dehydrated and starved when you decided to just leave her."

"I didn't feed her since she stopped breastfeeding." My mouth drops open. I feel a presence behind me.

Monique stands there with her hands over her mouth.

"She could have died in your care, what the ...." I refrain Monique holds the recorder up.

"Look, keep it. I don't want anything to do with that ugly ass thing anyway." She refers to her own daughter.

Monique charges towards my phone, but I quickly stop the recorder, before it records anything else.

"Listen here you two faced ass bitch. It takes two ugly mother fuckas to make a beautiful thing. Anyway, you addrss pathetic and disgusting, but don't worry your day coming slut. You had the nerve to bring your child to people you don't even know."

Damn. I never heard or seen this side of Monique. She's always sweet.

"Well, y'all can keep that piece of shit and raise it on your own."

She beckons me to turn the recorder back on, so I quickly push play.

Monica goes on and on running her mouth. Wer get it all recorded.

I stop the recorder, so Monique can talk. "Bitch shut up!"

I'm clutching my invisible pearlswith my mouth wide open.

"My daughter id going to grow up in a loving family. Believe that shit! Oh and if you ever call my husband again..." she winks at me. "I will have your ass in jail for life. Goodbye disgusting piece of shit trash off a mother."

She hits the hang up button and literally throws my phone at me, stomping angrily up the stairs.

What the fuck just happened? I'm still in shock with my mouth open as I stand there.

"Andre Maxwell Cooper bring yo ass to bed right now!"

My whole government name though?

I enter the room to see her crying.

"I'm glad you didn't sleep with that bitch. I'm glad we have a beautiful little girl that's going to know what a father is, a brother, and a mother." She says looking at me.

My eyes tear up too.

"We're gonna be here for her always and thankfully she's gonna live to see it." I say as I hug my wife. We need to get married sooner.

"Our daughter." I repeat until she says it with me.

Monique's POV

How dare that bitch disrespect something so beautiful. Something she created.

Andre id rocking and holding me. Thank you Jesus for this man.

After our crying fits, Andre lays down.

"Come on, beautiful." He reaches for me placing my head on his chest, where I can hear his heartbeat slow until I fall in deep sleep.

Andre's POV

When Monique is asleep, I make some calls. It's 6 in the morning when I lay down again. "I love you so much Monique Cooper. I love all y'all. And will do anything to protect y'all."

I slowly fall asleep.
I wake to little hands pushing me. "Daddy!" Diamond smiles when I open my eyes. She then hugs me.

"I love you kiddo." A tear falls from my right eye.

"Don't cry daddy."

I look around for the woman that was next to me last night.

"Kitchen, dad." I place Diamond on my shoulders and go to the kitchen.

There she is.

"Good morning, bae."

"I'm your husband from now on."

"Okay daddy." She tries to hide her blush by looking down. Maybe from the kids, but not from me.

I'm tempted to ask how she's feeling, but she quickly lets me know not right now.

I sit with Danny and Diamond, eating. I fix Monique's plate without her knowing. She turns around about to fix her own food when I simply hold her plate of food to take.

'Thank you.' She mouths. I nod, following her to the table with my food.

"Diamond." I say.

"Dad." She retorts. I laugh. "Will I ever have a family like this?" I hear her say under her voice.

Monique and I look at each other at the same time. She heard what I heard.

She nods at me to tell Diamond that she's gonna be a part of our family.

"Diamond we're going to adopt you."

"Thank God!" She says, causing all us to laugh.

"Welcome to the family officially kiddo." Daniel smiles. I can tell he's gonna love having a little sister.

After eating, we all eat ice cream until the kids get sleepy.

Monique and I have our own little game to play: naked twister. After three rounds, we'r finally climb in bed and go to sleep.

I have a plan tomorrow.

This was the hardest chapter for me because I had to think of harsh things any parent would say to our about their child.

What is Andre up to now?



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