Chapter 0 - Just a Deku

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-Chapter 0 - Just a Deku -

I learned a long time ago that in this world man aren't crated as equal, having a quirk will in many ways determine your future in your life, the world we live in is becoming more and more a world for the ones with quirks if you don't have one your a nobody with the hope of being smart cookie to get you anywhere and also hope not to have a dream to become a pro hero. But well I have that dream but I have a quirk witch means I'm in the 80% of the lucky ones right... Wrong, yes I do have a quirk, yes it's powerful beyond belief... But it's also just as terrifying.

My quirk is can save many lives as it's good for both rescue and combat, but too bad everyone is too blind by its horrifying look.

What is my quirk, well I can make black tentacles leave my body, I can somen them from any part of my body but my preference is my back, I can somen 20-30 as of now, but I think there truly is no limit to how many I can somen, but they hurt... A lot, there connected to my blood, it's their power source I guess you can say, but my quirk comes with a small regeneration when it comes to my blood, but I need to have nutrition inside of me for it to activate, so I just need to go eat or drink a lot and I will be good as new, I found coffee works the best to regenerate my blood wired...

I can also harden the tentacles, making them hard as a brick wall, and also sharpen them to make them like swords that come out of my back, my quirk also gives me strength and speed boost, but it's not that big, more so speed but a lot of training made the strength and speed unhuman, I love to train, it kind of the way I take my mind off life and it's nice way to take my turn off my mind after an annoying day at school.

I hate school, everyone either hates or is scared of me, more so scared with the hate part coming from my "friend" Katsuki Bakugou, he hates my guts, he's the one that gave me the nickname Deku, and the one that made the school and much of the area where we live hate me, i guess i'm pretty famous you can say, they call me the kid with the villain quirk, and they make sure i know thats what they see me as.

I wear a hood for most of the day because I don't like getting looks from people just because of i'm breathing.

If you wanna know why Katsuki hates me, it's because of a... incident that happens back when we were kids, an incident that would be the catalyst for everything, for all the hate from everyone... I don't like talking about it... That's was back when I couldn't control my power...

I enjoy being alone but I also enjoy coffee and going around town and going to different coffee shops is nice, get to walk and explore the town and most importantly get some good coffee inside of me, and yes im an addict, but it helps with my quirk so it falls under training...

But I haven't had a coffee adventure in a long time well ever since finding my favorite one, its a small Lil coffee shop it's nice, but it has some annoying people working there...
"Hey that's not nice," a female said

"Quite the story hasn't yet gotten to you," Izuku said as he shook his head

"Mhm... But still your a jerk" she said as she crossed her arms making Izuku roll his eyes
But I enjoy it a lot and the coffee is amazing, but the owner won't tell me the secret to how he makes it.

But besides coffee I also enjoy training, I enjoy training at a beach, dagobah beach to be precisest, I wasn't planning on having it as my training area because I just planned on using all the trash to make my self stronger physically as one tentacle has about the same strength as my arm, and besides training, it was nice to help and clean up a once beautiful beach, I kinda got attached to it and the jog from it to home was a nice training as well so I decided after I was done cleaning I got a permanent to use my quirk for training prepares only, but I also trained at a forest not many go-to for... More extreme training...yeah. dream is to one day get into UA and join the hero classes to one day become a pro, It been my dream since I was a Lil kid watching videos of heroes, out of all the heroes All Might has to be my favorite, not just cuz he was the No.1 hero but because of why he was a hero. My reason for being a hero changed in many ways threw out the 14 years of my life as i got older I got to see more of the world I saw and that of course meant the dark side, the part of the world, I will have to fight in my life as a hero, but I know one thing that never changed when asked why I want to be a hero.

"I wanna be a hero that saves everyone" that never changed and it never will, but I have a long road ahead of me and it's gonna be hard but that been my life so far so whats more wight it just makes me stronger.

Oh right the name of my quirk is Kagune

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