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The night Ms. Margret brought her home to us was the night I knew what I was meant to do. I needed to spend the rest of my life making her happy.  She didn't ask to be hurt she didn't deserve to get beaten.  The first night I held her when she cried was the night I fell in love with her. I believe that was the night all three of us fell in love with her.  

The first time I heard her voice it was like hearing angels sing. She had been with us for about a month.  Ms. Margret asked her if she would like to watch a movie with us.  She shocked us all when she said "Yes ma'am" and smile a small smile.  After that, she would speak a little more every day. She was still afraid of us boys. We didn't get upset with her we understood and didn't push her.  She let me hold her at night though.  After we would all go to bed for the night I would go and check on her.  She would be crying almost every night.  I would just crawl in bed with her and hold her close to my chest. Even though she never said anything to me I knew she liked me being there. Until the night Ms. Margret came in and caught me in bed with her.  Angel told her that I just came in because of her nightmares. Not too long after we all had to leave her. Even Tyler Ms.Margrets own grandson.  We really didn't understand until after we turned 18.  

The night we were leaving I begged Ms. Margret to tell her if she had asked that we left on our own. I didn't want her to be mad at Ms. Margret at all.  I wanted her to have a place she felt she belonged.  When we got to the bus that's when we talked about our true feeling for our Angel.  I told Cody and Tyler that I was in love with her and I was going to wait forever if I had to for her. She made me happy she made me feel like I was needed and wanted.  Cody said that she made him feel like his family was complete, he knew he had us but she made perfect for him.  Tyler said she was the special place that made him happy.  We decided to stick together and make sure when she turned 18 and we were allowed to be with her again we would have our lives together for her.  

I believe we are ready for her to come home.  We have our home and now the restaurant.  Tyler is working on getting a job with the school board. He has always liked working with kids. Cody has been helping me with the restaurant. He is really good with numbers.  He does the paperwork and I do the cooking. I realized that I loved to cook when Ms. Margret asked me to cook one night when she was not feeling well.  I made meatballs and pasta with a white sauce instead of the red sauce we always had with it.  Our Angel loved it so much she finished her plate and then sat on Cody's lap and ate the rest of his.  She would sit on our laps when she could. She mainly sat on Cody's though He is the biggest one out of all of us. I guess she thought because she was too big to sit on Tyler and I's lap.  She wasn't too big for us she was perfect for us.  

"You know one day I am gonna break your legs with my fat butt," She said trying to get off of Tyler's lap.  Cody bent over and kissed her on the cheek before he picked her up out of Tyler's lap. "You will never break us unless you leave us," He told her carrying her to that couch. She laughed and smiled "I will never leave y'all, you guys are gonna leave me" 

She was right when she said that, but we are back for her now.......

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