Hang on

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I got to him about an hour ago. The man I have spent my entire life with. We have been together since before we could walk. Seeing him hooked up to the machines to breathe for him and one to make sure his heart is beating. 

I walked to the nurse's station and spoke with the nurse sitting there." I am Tyler Washington I am Cody Washington's husband I need to know how he is doing." She looked at me weirdly "Did you say, husband?" I hung my head and felt the tears coming and then heard "Yes ma'am, he is Cody's husband, please can you tell us how he is?" 

"I am sorry, sir, Mr. Washington was placed into a medically induced coma because of the intensive trauma to his skull. He also has 5 broken ribs. When he came in he was saying something about his wife Izzy who is she?" She asked us Chris once again answered for me "She is their wife, she is around 9 months pregnant and was kidnapped" The nurse's face changed "Ma'am has the police been contacted yet?" I nodded my head even though it was a lie. Adam wanted to take care of it himself. 

Hearing My Angel scream the way she did this morning killed me. I pictured her crying for help. The same man that took her mother from her is now trying to take her from our child. What and how is he even out of prison? 

I had to call Adam about Cody I know he was blaming Cody for Angel leaving but I believe he went with her to protect her. He just was unable to do it on his own. 

"Babe, he is not doing so good. He came in screaming about Angel." 
"Please baby stay by him he needs you, we are almost to where the cell pinged."
"Hey AD I don't believe he took her I think he went with her to protect."
"Yeah I know TY I blamed him and I should not have."
"Please keep me updated, let me know if you find anything "
"OH, I will babe, Hey Ty, I love you "
"I love you, Adam"

I hung up the phone and pulled a chair next to my man. Grabbing his hand memories of growing up took over my mind...


"Cody," I yelled as he ran out the door. "Please Cody I'm sorry" After catching up to him. I grabbed him turning him around to face me. "I'm sorry I just thought well I thought you felt the same way" He looked down "Ty that's just the problem I do, it just scared me." I cupped his face looking him in his eyes. We both moved toward each other and our lips pressed against each other. It was the most magical thing I ever felt. It was cut short though "Hey guys ....Umm what is going on here?" Adam asked when he ran up to us. We just looked at each other "Are you two gay?" Were we gay ? "Look guys if you are it is no big deal I won't say anything " I look down and looked back up to Cody "I don't know what we are, I just know that I love Cody more than just a friend." Cody looked over to me and smiled. "Well Momma wants us for dinner"  We walked back to the house slowly. 

We decided that we would just see where this went between us. Not forcing anything. A few months later is when our Angel came into our life.

" Boys I got a call about a baby girl that needs a home. Her father took her mother's life tonight right in front of her, poor little thing. Now don't get into any trouble I will be back as so as I can. Love you, boys."  We were shocked we haven't had a foster for a couple of years. "Love you too Momma."  Momma Margret is my grandmother, my mother passed away giving birth to me. She was my grandmother's only child.

Cody and I were laying on the couch together when Adam came back from his girlfriend's house. I was laying on top of Cody between his legs.  " You two are kind of cute together," he said as he sat at our feet. "You think this girl is gonna be a baby," Adam asked Cody just shrugged his shoulders and said, "No matter how old she is I will make sure she is protected." I saw the headlight of Momma's car pull in I jumped up off of Cody leaned up and gave him a peck kiss before meeting momma at the door with the most adorable little girl.

Flashback over

I felt his hand twitch I wished he would wake up. He has sure changed over the years. He has gotten so much taller than me. For a long time we were the same height all three of us.

Ring ring..... It's Adam

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