Taking away

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Her father picked her by her shirt and threw her across the room. Her mother couldn't stop him this time. Her baby was being hurt.  She was able to get to her phone and dial 911 and pressed send. She laid the phone down and yelled for her husband to stop hitting and kicking her baby. It didn't take long for the cops to get there, but they didn't get there in time to save her mother. Elizabeth laid there and watched her father strangle her mother to death.  

 She watched her father go to jail and her mother go to the morgue. That night changed 13-year-old Elizabeth Morgen's life forever.  She had no other family besides her mother and father. She was placed in the state's custody.  Poor Elizabeth sat in the police station for what seemed hours before Ms. Margret came to pick her up and bring her back to her home. "Oh my you poor little dear, let's get you home and get you cleaned up." 

When they got to the house the boys waited up for Ms. Margret to get back home. When she left she had told them she was going to get a baby that watched her mother be killed by her father. They didn't know that the little girl was also beaten.  With them being raised mostly by Ms. Margret they knew it was wrong to hit a woman or a child. 

After getting her cleaned up and changed into new clothes Ms. Margret made dinner, and they all sat at the table. Elizabeth did not say a word. No one forced her to speak,  they knew she would come around when she was ready.  She would look up every so often.  When everyone was done eating Ms. Margret asked the boys to clean the kitchen, so she could get Elizbeth settled in her room. 

As Adam Cody and Tyler cleaned the kitchen talked about Elizabeth.  They didn't understand how someone could beat their own child. The boys were placed in foster care for different reasons, Adam's parents were killed in a car wreck, Cody's mom had a drug problem and left him in the hospital, and Tyler's mom died giving birth to him, Ms. Margret is his grandmother.  They have become best friends over the years.  Elizabeth is the first foster they have had in a long time. She was a special case.  

Over the next few weeks, Elizabeth has begun talking to Ms. Margret but not yet the boys.  They knew why. It wasn't them it was her father.  That's when they knew they had to protect their Angel. Even though she was hurt she still somehow brought happiness to the boys.  

The night Elizabeth woke Adam up with screaming in her sleep. He ran to her and watched her yell "Daddy please no I am sorry" he grabbed her in his arms trying to wake her. "Elizabeth please wake up Angel" tears flooded his eyes. She wouldn't stop screaming. Cody and Tyler stood in the doorway and watched as Adam held her begging her to wake up. He rubbed her cheek and rocked her. The screaming stopped and her eyes opened.  She felt safe for the first time in her life. 

Over the next year, Elizabeth had gotten close to the boys. They did everything with her.  Until Ms. Margret noticed that the boys loved Her Izzy more than just brothers. She was only 14 she had to get the boys away from her.  

Elizabeth knew that she was safe with the boys and knew that they were turning 18 soon and would move on with their own lives and forget about her. She cherished every moment they spent with her over the next couple of weeks.  

Ms. Margret was making the boys go to a camp to get them away from Izzy.  She could not have them hurt her. She didn't understand that they didn't want to hurt her they loved her and wanted to protect her forever.  When she told them they begged her not to tell Elizabeth, they thought it would be better if she thought they just left on their own. 

The night came, we knew she needed us, but we had to go. We stood and watched her sleep before we left. Our bags were packed and waiting for us. The car showed up early

We will come back for her.... She is ours

I woke up, and they were gone, no goodbye, no nothing. They told me they loved me and would always be here. Now I am alone....Guess that's how I belong.

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