Elizabeth-13 years old

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My mom and dad are fighting again. I couldn't tell you why this time. They are always fighting. I walked in from school and he spotted me. I knew it was coming. I set my book bag down by the door. I could smell the alcohol on his breath when he got in my face. I thought to myself, I am not going to cry, I am not going to cry. Yeah, that didn't work. He slapped me in the face. "What the fuck do you think you are doing, stupid little bitch?" He yelled I went to answer him, and he pushed me down. My mother is yelling for him to leave me alone, and he continues to hit me and kick me. I don't understand what did I do wrong. I try to behave, I clean the house for him and I stay out of the way. 

My mother is screaming and crying. He is not stopping this time. I feel the blood run down my face from my head. Then he picks me up and threw me across the room. I couldn't move, I was hurting so bad. I watched my father climb on top of my mother, ripping her clothes off of her. I wanted to get up and help her but I couldn't. He wrapped his hands around her throat. My mother laid there, she couldn't fight anymore, she stared at me with tears running down her face. Her lips moved, and she said, "I love you, Eliazbeth, you will be safe now."  Her eyes never closed but I knew my mother left me. My father took my mother away from me, My mother was dead. 

I was being picked up and rushed outside. I couldn't cry, I couldn't do nothing All I could do is listen.
"Ms. Margret, I know you don't take in children, but I have a 13-year-old little girl., Ms. Margret, she just watched her father kill her mother. She has no family, and she needs somewhere safe..... Yes Ms. Margret I understand you have the boys, but maybe that's what she needs if I remember right they are some big boys..... Yes ma'am, I will take her to the hospital and I will let you know when we are back at the office .... Ms. Margret thank you and I will work on getting her into a  home as fast as I can."  The man said before he put me into an black SUV. "Sweetheart you will never have to worry about him hurting you again." He said as he covered me up with a soft purple blanket with Butterflies and flowers on it.  

My shirt was torn and my jeans had blood all over them. My hair was in knots stuck together with dryer blood I couldn't move my lips, they hurt so bad. My father had never been so mad like that before. 

When we got to the hospital they put stitches in my head and above my eye. The nine nurse brought me a change of clothes. "Here sweetheart I had some extra clothes in my locker, let's get yu out of these nasty clothes"

When we got to the office I sat in a room for what felt like forever. Then an older lady walked in, "Hello sweetheart I am Ms. Margret. I am going to take you home with me and my boys." I looked at her with fear in my heart. All I could do is nod. "Now my boys are pretty big so you will be safe with us." She was so kind she made me think maybe I was going to be OK.

It wasn't a long drive at all.  I was nervous because she said the boys were big. What id they wanted to hurt me like my father. When I walked in they were standing by the door. There was three of them. The first one was tall but not the tallest, He had dark brown hair, it was cut short on the sides and long on top, "This one here baby is Adam, he is the oldest one" Ms. Margret said The one that stood in the middle he was the shortest one he had blondish brown hair what drew my attention to him was his eyes, they were caring he had a bright smile." This little one is Tyler, he is my grandson" The last one was very tall, he had dark hair and dark eyes. Something about him just made me feel safe. "And the big boy his Cody, He is just a big ole baby." I wanted to say hi or something but I couldn't. They said hello to me and smiled.  They didn't push me to talk or anything.

Ms. Margret showed me to a room. She told me that it was Cody old room, but he moved into Tyler's room, so I could have a room for myself. SHe helped me take a shower and change into a pair of Tyler's sweatpants, seeing how he was the smallest, but she gave me Adam's t-shirt.  I was still freezing when we went back down stairs. Cody noticed and went and got me one of his hoodies. He helped me put it one. I guess he seen that I was hurting. After trying to eat Ms. Margret gave me two of the pain pills the doctor gave me for my pain. She walked me up to my room and I dozed off.

I woke up screaming and crying , I was being held and someone was rubbing their hand through my hair, "SHH Angel, it is OK you are safe now, No one well ever hurt you again," I looked up and it was Adam. I felt safe, He went to lay me back down but I held on to him not letting him up. He laid with me until I fell asleep. 

The first couple of weeks was the hardest for me but every night Adam laid in my bed with me and held me until I fell asleep. In the mornings they would walk me to school and in the afternoons help me with homework. Even though I had not said one word to either of them. They still never pushed me. 

A few weeks later I have started talking to them and showing them that I appreciated them. They don't know how much they have helped me overcome the pain of losing my mother. They are what gave me hope. They will always be my boys.

Returning to Her ✅(#3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora