Chapter 5

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It's more than three months now that Mia has become closer to the group. She doesn't talk much to Dominic and Roman and tries to avoid them as much as possible since they are always serious.

David, Victor and Mia have become very close. They helped her choose her university and the subjects as well. The boys take her out for movies and coffee's as well.

One thing Dom knows is if he can trust them with his life he can always trust them with his girl.

"Victor! David! I am here! Where are you guys?" shouts Mia going inside David's house.

"Go away I am sad" says Victor and sleeps on his bed.

Mia climbs into his bed and lays down next to him staring at the ceiling.

"What happened? tell me Vic"says Mia softly.

"You are a kid you wouldn't know" says Victor turning his head the other way.

" Ok I think it's girl trouble!!" says Mia and Victor hums in response.

"I like Diana!! but I am scared to tell  her. Today, she is going out on a date with some guy and I don't like it"whines Victor.

"That's all! Huh!! don't worry I will help you" says Mia excitedly.

"Mia are you sure this plan will work"asks Victor hesitantly.

"Of course it will work"says Mia confidently.

Seeing her innocence, Victor doesn't have the heart to say no and goes about with the plan.

After sometime Victor sees Mia and has his eyes popping out.

" Why in the world are you dressed up like this??" asks Victor in confusion.

Mia is wearing a all black shirt and pants with black netted face mask.

" You see I need to camouflage with the surroundings" says Mia like a veteran .

Victor stifles a laugh and thinks that she can be spotted easily from miles away.

" I look perfect right??" asks Mia excitedly, while twirling around and showing her attire.

" Just perfect" says Victor.

Both of them start towards the destination and somehow Mia gets bold and leaves her glasses behind thinking it will be a dead give away.

Meanwhile  Victor messages David about the plan and wants him near Mia incase the plan goes south.

David comes home quickly freshen up and goes to meet them.

"So Mia can you tell me the plan again" asks Victor.

"Oh God Vic! All you have to do is talk to the guy she is going on a date with and lure him in my direction. Once,he comes that way, I will be hiding and will hit him on the head with a rod just to make him unconscious. Then he will not go to meet Di. She will think that he stood her up and you can go like the knight in shining armour" says Mia excitedly widening her big eyes.

Victor is 1000% sure the  plan is going to fail and he will be caught. He loves Mia a lot to hurt her by telling that the plan sucks. He just prays that Mia isn't harmed.

Mia goes to the assigned place where she needs to hide. She is ready with a rod in her hand. She squints her eyes so that she can see clearly. She regrets the idea of leaving her glasses behind.

Within few minutes she hears a person walk by as she can't see properly she thinks it's the intended target and hits him.


"Huh!! Oh my god David?? What the hell are you doing here? whisper yells Mia

" Muffin !! You don't have your glasses and you are as blind as a bat!! Vic told me about your plan so I ran down to help you guys. I was sure you would have fallen in the ditch without the glasses" says David rubbing his shoulders and placing her glasses on her nose.

Mia with her so called beautiful eye sight had hit David on his shoulders.

Mia gets a message from Vic stating that the guy is on his way. Mia pulls David behind her and she takes her position. This time her hands are shivering violently.

David sees her state and smiles shaking his head. Before she can cause any other problem David picks the rod from her and hits the guy. He falls on the ground knocked out.

Mia squeaks and claps her hand in happiness like a retarded seal. Victor joins them and he gives them a wicked grin.

" I can't believe you actually agreed to her stupid plan and to top it she left her glasses back saying it wouldn't suit her!!!" says David in shock to Victor as Mia has gone to change her dress.

" I just couldn't say no after seeing those pleading big eyes. You know how she looks with those big eyes all excited" says Victor.

" Yeah I know and she takes full advantage of that" chuckles David.

Finally David, Victor and Mia make it to the club where Di was supposed to meet her date. Mia scans the club and finds Di and walks towards her.

Dom and Roman are also in the same club sitting in the farthest corner keeping an eye on Di.

Roman spots David, Victor and Mia.
He signals Dominic to look towards the entrance.

" Those two told they can't join us right?" says Dominic getting up and walking towards them.

" Hey man!" says Roman.

" Hi" say David and Victor in unison and they seem to be uncomfortable.

" You guys said you both were busy!! How come you came here with Mia?
" asks Dom.

" We...." they could not finish it as Mia comes and pulls them along with her towards Di.

" Hi" says Mia to both Roman and Dom while walking away with David and Vic.

" Something's not adding up" says Dominic  to Roman while walking towards Di.

" Hi Di!! How are you?"asks Mia excitedly.

" Hi Mia!! Am good... How's you?? What brings you here? You don't like this club right?" asks Di in confusion.

Both David and Victor groan. They think their day could not have gone worst than this.

"I...I wanted a change so David suggested this club" says Mia looking towards David pleadingly.

Roman and Dominic look towards David questioningly. David pretends not have noticed their looks.

" So why are you sitting here alone?" asks Mia.

" Oh! My date stood me up!" says Di sadly.

" Oh god so sorry" says Mia like she felt bad but it in truth she felt happy and Dominic stares at her trying to understand what the hell is going on.

They all join Di and order drinks. Mia takes some soft drink and sit opposite to David and Dominic.

After sometime Mia kicks David in his leg and keeps looking at him but David does not look at her but is busy looking at Roman. She kicks him again and still he doesn't given any reaction.

" Mia, you are kicking me?" says Dominic in his baritone voice and cocks one of his eyebrow.

Mia's eyes widens comically and she gasps. David is laughing with tears in his eyes. Victor face palms. Roman and Diana are staring at Mia.

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